The One With Little Louis

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Jen looked at her watch, 11.17pm. "I'm think going to head home and open up ready. You guys are still coming right?" she said to the four Friends who were left. Matty was already long gone, struggling after two busy and emotional days.

"Yes sure", "Of course", "Absolutely", "I am" were the series of answers she swiftly received. She glanced at David and gave him a subtle let's go sign.

"Can I get a ride?" David asked.

"With who? Me or Jenny?" Courteney replied.

"Uhhhhmmm, either would be good" David said with a slight stutter.

"He can come with me" Jen interjected, "I could use a hand with some stuff."

"I bet you could" laughed Matt, who was instantly jabbed with Jen's purse.

"LeBlanc!" she exclaimed loudly, feeling her cheeks flush with colour, "Any more of that and I'll uninvite you."

"You know you won't.... and you know I'm only teasing because you're an easy target" Matt replied with a giggle, pulling her in for a warm hug which she readily accepted. He really was more like a brother to her than either of her two real brothers and she always felt fiercely protective of and protected by him.

"Right, so Schwimmy is coming with me, shall we meet you guys there or does anyone else want a lift?" Jen asked as she released herself from Matt's grip.

"You go on and I'll bring these two" Court suggested, "I need to go and collect the rest of my things yet from the trailer. See you at yours shortly."

When they finally got into her luxury black SUV, Jen instantly leaned in and planted a kiss hard on David's lips. "God, I have wanted to do that all day" she said with a gentle laugh, before starting up the engine and pulling out of the parking lot. They hadn't been driving for more than a minute, when David's hand landed gently on her thigh. She turned her head briefly to meet his eyes, flashing a warm smile as she placed her hand on top of his momentarily.

His hand had kept her leg company for the whole journey home, just resting quite happily, no need for anything more, as they chattered none stop about the day and how fantastic it had been.

"Cleo absolutely loves you, can I just say" David had told her. "She was so excited at finally getting to meet one of her heroes and you definitely did not disappoint. Her only sadness was not getting to spend enough time with you."

"Well maybe that's something we'll have to address very soon then, if you wanted to, of course? I'd love to spend some more time with her too. She is everything you said she was and so much more." She glanced at David as she spoke and she could see and feel the pride radiating from him, which stabbed at her heart just a little. Having her own child had always been something she'd just assumed would happen, but apparently for her it was one of those things that wasn't meant to be and it had taken a lot of time and extensive therapy to get her to a place where she could begin to accept and be at relative peace with that.

"Sorry if this is too personal a question, and feel free not to answer, but do you ever think about the plans we had back then? You know...... family plans I mean."

Jen felt her heart lurch a little as she tried her best to focus on the winding road up the hill to her home. "Sometimes..." she said quietly. She swallowed hard, getting a little choked but wanting to answer his question.

"Sorry I shouldn't have asked. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm really sorry Jen, that was hugely insensitive of me." He squeezed her leg hard and was instantly met with her hand grasping onto his and squeezing it even harder.

"You haven't upset me, it's just something I am still learning to deal with I guess" she replied. "I always thought it would just happen and it never did and there are no real answers why. But yes, I do still wonder from time to time what little Lola would have been like. Or little Louis if we'd had a boy...."

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