The One With Rivers Of Dreams

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Jen had stripped off her sneakers and socks and was enjoying the feeling of the cool, shallow water washing over her feet as she dangled them from the relative comfort of the rock she was sat on, leaning her head gently on David's shoulder as his arm draped easily around her. They had been sitting here for nearly half an hour now in almost complete silence, no words needed as they watched the sun telling another beautiful and mesmerising story of its day right before their eyes, painting a fantastic tale with vivid colours which transposed themselves magically onto the travelling clouds.

"Listen" Jen said quietly, "can you hear that?"

David listened carefully for a few seconds. "I can't hear anything except the water and the birds" he said, his voice barely more than a whisper as if he was trying not to break the moment.

"Exactly" she sighed, "it's so peaceful. Can this day please just last forever?" she pleaded, "I'm not ready for it to be over yet." She lifted her head from its resting place in time to see David wiping a tear from his cheek. "Oh honey, what is it?" she asked, her voice suddenly filled with panic, "tell me, what's wrong?"

David gave a shy smile. "Absolutely nothing's wrong, don't worry. The exact opposite in fact. Call me a sentimental old fool but I was just thinking how completely perfect this is and I don't want it to end either. This, for me, is what I've been dreaming of for as many years as I can remember and I suddenly got a little choked realising that it's actually come true."

"You sentimental old fool" she said through a soft smile, cupping his slightly damp cheek with her hand, "you're getting as soppy and emotional as I am."

"I know" he grinned, "it must be contagious." He brought his hand back to his cheek and placed it on top of hers, pulling it to his lips and kissing her fingers as they interlocked with his own, before placing the fisted combination over his heart. His other arm was still around her shoulders and he gave the top of her arm a gentle rub as she gazed up at him with a look of total love and absolute adoration in her eyes. "How do you do that?" he asked, continuing before she had chance to question what he meant, "how do you tell me a million things with just one look? It's like you're drawing me into your soul."

"Maybe because you can read me better than anyone I know, including myself sometimes" she replied quietly. "And maybe because I can allow myself to be completely vulnerable with you because I trust you with my life. And maybe because I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in the whole world." Her free hand found it's way onto his leg as she talked, her fingers giving his knee a slight squeeze as their faces moved closer and closer together until her words were being spoken just milimetres from his lips. "I thought I loved you when we were younger, and I absolutely did, but what I feel for you now is so much deeper and so much more grounded and feels so incredibly right..." She shifted her position on the rock so that she was turned further towards him, losing grip of his fingers as she did and placing both her hands behind the back of his neck, their faces still close enough that they could feel every breath. They were both lost in silent communication with each other's eyes and stayed that way for a few long and intimate seconds before the inevitable happened and their lips met.

There is something entirely powerful and emotive about lips being pressed together with gentle intimacy and complete tenderness. Jen and David were done with talking. They needed to feel their way through the rest of this conversation, somehow words not being big enough to communicate the depth of the love they had for one another. David's hand had sneaked beneath her sweater and was on Jen's waist, so large in comparison to her tiny frame, caressing the smooth fabric of her T-shirt. His other hand was perfectly at home on her lower thigh, just resting there quite happily. The kiss was intense. It was slow, it was deep, and it was incredibly sensual. The erotic sounds of lip against lip, tongue against tongue, were completely in tune with the rise and fall of the flowing water.

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