The One With Magic In The Air

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"What? I mean.... when... how did you... Oh my God, I don't care, just get round here..." she gasped, her heart feeling as though it might actually burst through her ribcage with shock and excitement.

"Ok, on my way" he said with a huge grin as his face disappeared from view. She almost ran to the door of her suite and as she opened it, she was met instantly by a pair of arms picking her up and spinning her around, quickly setting her back down on the ground and kicking the door closed behind them in a vain attempt to protect their privacy and dampen down the sound of her high pitched squealing. As he held on as tightly as he dared without suffocating her, he whispered continuously into her hair "God, I've missed you, I've missed you so much. I can't tell you how good it feels to be back with you again."

"I still can't believe you're here. You need to tell me everything but first..." Jen pulled out of his embrace, pushed herself up onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips so firmly against his they started to tingle. "Thank you" she breathed as they broke apart, "I don't know how you made this happen but thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. Trust me, I was as desperate to see you too. I can't believe the last time we were together was the day after my birthday. That's pushing three months." He shot her a wide grin as she sunk back down to her natural height again. "Anyway, it's actually your friend Adam you need to thank, he sent me an 'SOS, Trouble In Paradise' message earlier in the week and told me if I could get to LA then he'd fly me out here with Jackie today so that's what we did."

"But I thought you had meetings and I thought it was your weekend with Cleo?"

"So, Cleo has some stuff on with school this weekend and it actually made more sense for her to be with Zoe than me, plus I leant her Paul to make it easier with the running around so they're both happy. And yeah, I did have meetings, and I did attend those meetings. I just did them whilst I was flying. It's a much smaller world when you have wifi and a private plane. Oh, and talking of planes, I did use yours to get to LA I'm afraid, but I asked them to send the bill to me. It's not fair you keep paying for it all the time."

"Honey, I don't care what it costs me ever, I'm just so happy you're here." Jen pulled herself tightly against his chest and buried her nose, drinking in his scent. "You don't smell like you just stepped off a what... twelve hour flight?"

"Haha, thirteen hours with the stopover and no, I took a quick shower and changed in Adam's room. I didn't want to take you to dinner smelling or looking like I did an hour ago. Trust me, you would not have been so happy to see me then."

"Oh, believe me I would" she sighed happily, "I still can't believe you're here. I haven't even asked how long you're staying?"

"I'm here for 4 nights. I'll fly back again with Jackie to LA and then head back to New York from there... on your plane which I already booked."

Whilst talking they had made their way into the suite and were currently stood in front of the floor to ceiling glass windows. Jen leaned heavily against David's side, her arm finding its happy place around his waist and resting easily on the top of his hip bone. David's arm was also in its happy place, draped around her shoulders, his hand falling gently onto her upper arm which he was stroking tenderly. The sky before them was lit up in a myriad of pinks, reds, oranges and purples as the sun headed swiftly towards the ocean blue horizon. "I can't wait to sit and watch this with you for the next few nights" she said softly, "this really is a dream come true, you and me on vacation together like this. I mean I know technically I'm working but for the next two days at least I'm not."

"You're not for the next three days actually" David grinned. "Adam's fixed it so you're not required on Monday either. They're doing a load of catch-up shots with Mark now he's covid free, so we have three whole days to spend together before I fly out on Tuesday morning."

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