The One With Home Sweet Home

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She pulled up to the gate, pausing a beat as it swung open automatically, allowing her access to the property. She parked in the vast garage, picking her things from the trunk and making her way into the house via the side gate where she could hear her three furry friends barking and whining at her impending arrival. "Hey guys" she said, bending down and setting her bags on the floor so she could fuss them all as they leapt and jumped all around her. "Have you had a fun day? Did Maria take you on a long walk? She didn't? I don't believe you at all! You'll be telling me you had no treats next. And have you been cuddling up on the couch together with your new friend? Hey, have you? Have you? I know you have because I have got the picture to prove it... look see" she laughed, pulling out her phone and showing it happily to the three slightly confused dogs who continued to circle her, tails wagging vigorously. She felt a presence behind her and stood to find herself face to face with the man whose legs she had just been flashing at her babies. "Hey you..." she smiled, blushing slightly and not sure if it was because he had caught her off guard a little showing off his photo to her dogs, or simply because he was here at last, the man who had been occupying her thoughts completely of late.

"I see you really did like the pic" he grinned, opening his arms as an invitation to a tight embrace. An invitation that was happily and quickly accepted. "I loved it..." she said blissfully into his chest, before lifting her head up and cheekily adding, "... both of them."

She saw his cheeks flush bright red seconds before her lips met his in a kiss that was so filled with love it left both of them feeling a little overwhelmed. In that moment it wasn't about lust, or need or desire, it was simply an absolute communication of pure, deep and intense love. As they broke apart after a few intimate moments, Jen leaned her head backwards to meet his rich, brown eyes.  "I'm so happy you're here... but I am also so tired! Do you mind if we go sit for a minute?"

"We can go one better than that" he smiled in return, taking her by the hand and leading her through the house to her impressive indoor / outdoor bathroom where she was met with a sight that brought tears to her weary eyes in an instant. The deep, rectangular, white marble bath was filled with steaming hot bubbles. There were two glasses of fizz sat on the side, along with a white bath robe for her and a black one that she had bought especially for him which he had obviously found hung up in her room.

"Oh my God, this is just..." she turned to face him, the hot tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she did so, "... I'm lost for words. Thank you... you have no idea just how much I need this or how much I appreciate this" she half spoke, half whispered as tiredness and emotion washed over her.

"It's my absolute pleasure" he said with a genuine smile. "Now, you can either get in and enjoy relaxing quietly by yourself while I go and prepare some food, or..." he said with a hint of optimism in his voice, "... or if you asked me to join you, then I would be hard pressed to say no."

She grabbed hold of his navy polo shirt, pulling him eagerly towards her. "I'm not getting in without you" she breathed, planting a tender kiss on his lips before moving her hands to the bottom of her t-shirt and lifting it up and over her head in one smooth movement, revealing her braless chest.

"Mmmmm, they look familiar" he teased, remembering the thrill he'd got from the intimate photo she had sent him several hours earlier.

She moved in and placed another kiss on his lips before pulling his shirt over his head too, dropping it on the floor beside her, before pressing herself against his now naked upper body. "Feel familiar too?" she grinned, winking at him as she saw the hint of lust in his eyes.

"Oh yes" he laughed in return, "I definitely think they've been here before. Come on, let's get in before it gets cold" he added playfully.

They both removed their jeans and underwear, David hopping in first to check the temperature was still ok. It was. Jen stepped in and nestled herself between his legs, leaning back against him as his arms enveloped her and he sunk his nose into her messily tied back hair, planting a delicate kiss on the back of her head as he did so.

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