The One Where It's Pretty Damn Perfect

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"Jen, did you see my wallet anywhere? I thought maybe I'd left it on the counter in here, but I can't find it" David shouted from the kitchen, running his hand through his slightly damp hair as he tried to picture where he'd last seen it. He looked at his watch. The car would be here for him any moment now and he hated being on the last minute and disorganised.

"It's in here" Jen shouted from her dressing room where she'd just finished up drying her hair, "it must've fallen out of your pocket when you were putting your jeans on." She grinned at him as he strode into the room, Clyde padding happily after him, both heading over to where she was sat in front of a large mirror applying a little light make up. "Or maybe it was when you were tearing them off..." she added, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"I'm going to have to go stay in a hotel for the rest of the month if you're going to make me this late everyday" he said with mock sternness.

"Hey, you were the one that started it" she countered with a giggle, "I simply said I was going in the shower... you were the one who chose to rip your clothes off and follow me in there."

"Yeah well, I blame you and that hot body of yours" he grinned, placing a kiss on the top of her lemon scented hair, "you're irresistible." He picked up his misplaced wallet from the floor beside her, "I could so easily get used to being with you every day like this" he said, his face awash with happiness, "can we not just fast forward to living together up in Montecito already?"

"Don't wish your life away" she laughed in return, "but yes, I could very easily get used to this too." She added the final flick of mascara to her eyes as she turned to him and continued, "what time do you think you'll be back later?"

"Hopefully by 8ish, maybe 9 if we run a little long. I guess you'll be here before then?"

"I should easily be back here before then, so I'll fix us dinner for when you get home" she said with a warm smile as he dipped his head and kissed her lips.

"Mmmmm coming home to you and dinner, that'll give me something to look forward to all day" he said, turning tail and heading out of the room, leaving Jen beaming after him.

They were nearing the end of the first of four weeks that David was scheduled to be in LA filming an independent movie he'd been cast in. It wasn't a project he would really have looked too hard into had it not been for the temptation of spending a whole month living at Jen's house while shooting was taking place. But when the script had fallen onto his desk, he decided it was an opportunity he simply couldn't pass up personally, and professionally it would do him good to get his teeth into a slightly different kind of role and set up. At the same time, Jen was hard at work with the final preparations for season three of The Morning Show, which was due to begin filming in the next couple of weeks, and also with promotion for the launch of two new Lolavie products. Their busy schedules meant that on paper, they didn't look as if they'd get to spend all that much time together, but in actuality, it meant eating dinner at the same table, going to sleep and waking up in the same bed at the same time for just over four weeks in a row, give or take a couple of night shoots, and that was a luxury they had previously only ever dreamed of. Never before in their whole 28 years of knowing each other had that been a possibility and the novelty of the situation was one that wasn't going to wear off for them any time soon.

"I spoke to Oprah today" Jen said later that evening as they sat eating the spicy tomato and olive pasta she'd made whilst she was waiting for David to arrive home. "The renovations we agreed are almost complete now and she's going to make sure that the legal paperwork's ready to sign before you head back home. I said we'd try to head up there sometime soon for a few hours to check everything over."

"Oh, that's fantastic"' David replied with enthusiasm, "although I still can't quite believe we're actually going to get it." He took another mouthful of his food, "this is really good by the way."

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