The One Where They Walk The Line

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Over the next few months everyone on set seemed to settle into a comfortable, natural  rhythm around each other. The jokes flowed easily between cast and crew, some made it to the screen but the vast majority were purely aimed at making each other laugh. After the first few episodes had aired it was clear that this show was indeed going to be a bigger hit than any of them had ever been in before and they had quickly been thrust into the world of behind-the-scenes interviews and entertainment features.

The six cast members had genuinely become close friends both on screen and more importantly off it, comfortable enough with each other to give notes or ideas on how to play the scenes or get the most humour or emotion out of their lines. It really was the finest example of an ensemble cast working totally as one.  They had all dined at Courteney's home when the first show aired on TV, being pretty proud of how well it had been received. Gathering to watch the show together soon became something of a routine, along with the huddle that they had naturally done before the live taping of each episode.

The  banter between the six of them frequently seemed to make its way into the scripts and the writers were keeping a close eye on their Ross and Rachel actors whose chemistry was next level. They weren't supposed to be a thing beyond high school Ross's secret crush on his sister's best friend, but seeing them together and the energy that flowed so powerfully between the pair had quickly altered the direction of their storylines. The two of them fit so well and you could pretty much guarantee that wherever you found one, you would find the other somewhere close at hand too.

Jen and David had stuck to the rules as they agreed they would, but to call them just friends would be entirely inaccurate, for what had developed between them went far deeper than mere friendship. They were tactile, they were in sync, they could read each other with a simple glance or gesture. They drank their morning coffee together most days, taking it in turns to bring it which became a bit of a standing joke with the other 4 when they weren't included in their little routine.  They would sit entwined on Monica's sofa reading lines, enjoying the closeness and intimacy, and frequently cuddling up together and falling asleep, David playing big spoon and fierce protector. They would spend hours in each other's dressing rooms, sometimes with the others but often just the two of them discussing everything and anything. They found they had a lot more in common than you would have thought, especially a love of architecture and design. Jen had opened up to David about things she hadn't told anyone before, the emotional scars caused by her parents' sudden and bitter divorce and how she was left with a mother who had become angry and scathing against everyone in the world, including her own daughter.  Around set they would tease each other constantly, playful and flirtatious, and entirely at ease with holding hands, touching bodies, and generally the kind of behaviour you would expect from a young couple in their honeymoon period. They were a couple in almost every sense of the word. Almost every sense......

Since the day they'd had their emotional discussion at the viewpoint, David and Jen had been careful to avoid spending time together away from work unless they were with at least one of the others, not entirely trusting themselves to stick to the pact they made.  However, this particular night, after they had finished up final rehearsals for the live show, Jen's Mercedes wouldn't start so David had offered her a ride home which she had gladly accepted.  Somewhere between the parking lot and her house, they had both decided they were hungry so David had suggested they call into a little place he knew for a bite to eat.

They had shared a wonderful meal, a little wine, and the most enjoyable conversation which as usual never stopped or stuttered.  Jen had ended up reciting the story of when she had watched David in a play some years back which he found both hugely endearing and entirely flattering that she had remembered him.  They had talked more about their families and backgrounds, both of them having spent many of their formative years in New York, delighting in each other's tales of woe whilst waiting for their big break to come along. They were still deep in conversation when they realised that they were the only ones left in the place and the manager was not so subtly hanging around waiting to lock up.

It took around 30 minutes to drive to Jen's house, deep in the Laurel Canyon hills at the end of a very long, winding cul-de-sac. When they finally arrived outside her place there was the first break in conversation all evening, neither of them wanting their time together to end, but both hesitant to be the one to make any kind of move.

"Listen" said Jen impulsively as she looked down at her watch, "I have a suggestion, and please don't take this the wrong way, but it's only about 8 hours until we have to be back at the studio, and I don't have a ride since my car is there, so maybe...... if you wanted to, and please feel free to say no, but maybe you could stay here tonight and I could grab a lift in with you in the morning?"

Before David had chance to reply she quickly added, "I have a spare room of course, I'm not suggesting we break any rules!"

"That's a shame!" he replied with a slightly nervous laugh.

"Oh trust me, it's not that I don't want to break the rules....." Jen giggled, playing with her hair which she always did when she was a little unsure or embarrassed. 

"Do you trust me?" he asked earnestly.

"With my life" she replied instantaneously, not even pausing to consider for a second.

"Ok........" He hesitated for a moment, obviously mulling things over in his mind.  "Ok.... then I will happily stay the night and give you a ride in the morning" he said, his cheeks colouring quickly as he realised that he probably should have phrased that a lot differently.

Jen had been very grateful for the darkness that hid the deep blush on her face too as she exited the car, not at all sure this was her brightest idea, but at the same time deliriously happy that this gorgeous man, would be spending the whole night with her.

The One Where The Lines Get Kinda BlurryWhere stories live. Discover now