I'm not him {smut}

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'Fuck y/n. Don't you fucking dare say I'm cheating on you' he whispered closely to your ear.

His hands pulling your sweatpants down along with your panties. He used you like he used all his exes. Right where he wanted you, under his skin. His hands lift your sweatshirt over your head.

'Does this not show you how much I love you' he whispers, thrusting into you.

His lips messily touching yours. Grunts filling the room. You look away closing your eyes as silent tears fall. Too helpless to move.

'Fuck y/n, why do you have to be selfish sometimes. I'm giving myself to you' he mumbles in between low raspy grunts.

You knew this wasn't healthy and at times you pushed him away. Said that this was not love. But he would convince that it was real. Honest and that everything he did was out of love.

Tears flowing as flashes of your past come crashing through like waves. Harry takes in his first thrust, going in slowly and you wince through mental pain.

'Please Jared, stop- STOP' you cry out.

Harry lets go, looking at you with slight confusion. Who was Jared? And why did you cry out his name?

'Uh what?' He asks, sitting up.

Your eyes are shut, breathing heavy as you feel your heart ready to explode.

'I'm sorry' you manage through shaky tears.

He brings you in his arms, holding you close as you silently cry in his arms. His lips muffle in your hair as he whispers softly to calm you down. You're shaking under his touch. Eyes still shut. Mostly to avoid your boyfriends gaze.

'y/n baby, what's going on?' He asks.

You've never been this hysterical, crying uncontrollably. He's never seen you like this. He's holding you close. Tears falling down his cheeks too as he watches you whimper.

'Please y/n, you're scaring me' his voice chokes slightly.

'I can't do it' you cry out.

He lets you bury your head in the crook of his neck. Hand tangling in your hair to calm your tears. You stay like that for at least an hour.

'Shh you're ok love' he assures you.

A few days later and your sitting on the kitchen floor. Eyes full of tears. He holds your hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumbs to keep you steady.

'Sweetheart you don't have to tell me' he whispers.

You couldn't bare look at him when you finally spoke up. Too ashamed by it. But he brings you into his loving arms holding you for dear life as he comforts your cries.

'Baby, my god' he whispers, slight anger in his voice.

He hated him with every inch of his fibre. He would kill if he had the chance.

'Honey, look at me' he brings your face up.

'That's abuse' he says.

You only cry harder, finally hitting you. It's hard to avoid that word. The poisonous word that fell
Bitterly out of his mouth. But you convinced yourself that it wasn't true. That he really loved you. Finally look up at him, you wrap your hand around him, kissing his cheek.

'Baby I love you... and I mean it. Every word of it' he lets out a few tears.

'and I love you too' you whisper.

Past a couple years and your in the bedroom, smiling at your boyfriend as he takes his time with. Each time remind you... 'I'm not him'.

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