🏠 sweet 🏠

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He had been so gentle with his angel while you slept. Holding her close to his bare chest. His thumb brushing delicately over her cheek. His lips pressed to her head.

'Shh.. shh, it's alright' he coos.

She's stirring in her peaceful sleep, her eyes scrunching , little whimpers follow and her cheeks turn crimson.

'Shh.. shh, lovebug. I'm right here' he coos again.

He's mumbling soft words in between a drawn-out kiss that he places over her head. His warmth nestles her right back into a peaceful slumber.

Even the ride home he's momentarily brushing his thumb over her cheek to keep her calm. He's whispering soft words like 'sweetheart' 'ssh, angel' 'mama's tired.. must be tired too, angel' 'close those pretty eyes, poppet'.. and then he looks at you for a minute whispering a 'thank you'.

Once arriving home, he settles her down for a nap, singing songbird to put her to sleep.. and when she's in a peaceful slumber, he carries you upstairs, running you a hot bath. He's rubbing shower gel everywhere, dipping his face to capture his lips with yours. He's whispering encouraging words like 'doing great, love' 'knew you'd be the best mum' 'so proud of you' and whispering a 'I love you'.

She whispers those three words back, leaning her head against his chest. Her hands play with his cross necklace and then running them through his curls.

'Thank you' you whisper, placing a drawn-out kiss to his chest.

'No.. thank you, love'

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