I mi-miss you part 8

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The first few nights have been hell, waking up at ungodly hours.

'Please Harry, make it stop' you cry out.

Your heart feels heavy. Your mind aches with pain, fighting the negative thoughts away. Harry slowly gets up, placing a soft kiss to your hair before making his way to the nursery room. Ana's tears are growing louder with each passing step.

'Shh, angel. Don't cry' he coos.

But her wailing tears don't stop. He tries singing her to sleep. That doesn't work either. He knew what she wanted, hungry for it. He coos while holding her in his arms. Passing through the bathroom where he sees his quick reflection. Eyes puffy. Hair scattered.

'Love, she's hungry' he softly whispers.

You don't say anything. You don't calm her tears. You just watch with no emotion as she drinks your milk. Usually a mother would feel love, tenderness. But you don't.

'All better now angel' he coos, looking down at her.

She looks back up at him with curious eyes. He can't help but smile at her, softly running his hand over her tiny head. You on the other hand can't help but look away. He places her over his shoulder when she's no longer hungry, patting her back gently and she lets out the tiniest burp. You don't even look at her. Your eyes shed a few soft tears as you lay facing away from her. Harry walks back to the nursery room,
Softly singing her to sleep. His eyes are heavy with sleep. He walks back in, placing a sweet kiss to the back of your neck, holding you close.

'You haven't been taking your meds, have you?' He asks.

You shake your head, turning to face him. Your hands trace his face lightly which is highlighted by the moonlight peaking through the curtains.

'What kind of mother would that make me?' You raise your eye.

You felt ashamed, different from all other mothers. But it only made you worse, losing any ounce of love you have for Ana.

'Oh baby. Please don't' he shakes his head, letting out a sigh.

You cry into his chest.

'Shh it's okay. We'll get you back on track. Just gotta take your medication every morning. Can you that for us?' He asks.

You nod your head. Your eyes slowly close and you drift off back to sleep. Harry traces your profile, smiling. He loved you so much. Even on your worst days.

You awake the next morning to an empty bed. Your heart is pounding in your chest. Your breathing is heavy.

'H-' you call out.

No reply. You rush over to the Ana's room but she's not there. Tears sting yours eyes. Your lips quivering slightly. Body shaking. You hastily walk down stairs, passing the bathroom mirror. You like a ghost. Tears begin to fall down your face. No one in the living room. Nor at the dining table. Your tears now fall with no mercy. Harry looks up to see your tear stained cheeks as you finally enter the kitchen.

'Love, what's the matter?' He asks concerned.

You walk past him, holding Ana in your arms. She begins to wail but you calm her tears, softly whispering to her.

'What happened?' He asks again.

'The house was empty. I just thought-' tears fog up, clouding your vision.

Harry places a kiss to your forehead, holding you and Ana close. His own eyes tearing up. Heart breaking at the thought of himself leaving you.

'Y/N, I would never leave you' he comforts your tears, tightening his grip around you.

'I'm sorry I just- ' he cuts you off.

'S'alright love' his lips caresses yours.

He holds you for a while, swaying you side to side. Your tears begin to fade. One by one your cruel thoughts fading away.

'Come on love, let me make you some breakfast. Yeah?' He whispers softly.

You nod your head.

'But first I need you to take your medicine' he makes his way to the cabinet, pulling out your anti depressants.

The first few days were tricky but you managed to get yourself back on track. Thanks to your loving boyfriend.

'and they lived happily ever after' you smile.

Harry takes ahold of your hand, kissing it softly. This right here is his fairytale ending. Home with his loving family.

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