Labour 💖

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She had been screaming, clinging onto his hand for dear life as he drove them to the hospital.

'You had to fucking put a dick in there' she yells, trying her hardest not to cry.

Her hair is a sweaty mess, eyes pleading for the pain to stop. He places her lips to his, whispering for her to just breath.

'I'm fucking trying' she yells once again.

It's been a battle of yells and comforts, him trying his best to keep her calm.

'Almost there, baby' he tells her.

She's a sobbing mess, yelling at her husband until she's laying down with her legs spread open.

'Alright dear, I'm going to ask you to push now' the doctor instructs.

and she does, feeling out of breath and in pain. Reminds her of her favourite opera piece 'Nessun Dorma' where she gives it her all, just like that final part. She collapses on the bed, eyes stinging with sweat and tears, cries filling the room. Harry's cutting the umbilical cord while crying too.. then they're wrapping her up in a soft towel and handing her over to him.

'Hi, angel' is the first thing he says.

Unable to really form any coherent sentences due to his joyous tears. She barely gives him a weak smile, her doe-eyes staring at her two loves.

'Hi, precious' she coos when he holds Ana to her chest.

She's staring down at her beautiful creation while he presses his lips to her hair.

'So proud of you, love' he whispers.

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