Late night snacking 🍟🍰

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Part 5 of this series

There's so much when it comes to pregnancies. Morning sickness, swelling and soreness, sleepless nights.. so it's not uncommon for the two of them to be sitting at a 24/7 diner in London, 1:52 in the morning. Baggy eyes, messy hair whilst in his sweatpants and hoodie. That's all she's sporting for this fine occasion of 'snacking' and he doesn't mind. Finds it rather adorable. She's leaning against his chest, munching down on fries and chocolate cake.. because that's her go-to craving combo. He'll even try to snatch a few in his mouth, which causes her hormones to fly all over the place.. and then he whispers 'I'll get you another'. He's rubbing his hand over her belly, kissing her temple, smiling into the softness of her skin.

'Can't believe it' he whispers into her ear, kissing it lightly.

She looks up at him with her doe-eyes, her hand reaching over to caress his cheek. He's been so patient with her, making sure that she feels comfortable and loved throughout the pregnancy.

'Jus' about a year ago we began this journey' he continues.

He's moving hair out of her face, placing a drawn-out kiss to her temple. She leans into it, feeling his heart beat at the same time as hers.. made for each other.

'and in less than a month we get to find out if it's a boy or a girl' he finishes.

He's so soft, warm and tender, holding her so close to him so he could feel every part of her. His hand reaches under her hoodie, softly brushing against the stretch marks that have just appeared on her belly. He's kissed them so many times, reminding her that every natural part of this pregnancy is beautiful and he would relive it again and again if he could. She leans in further, closing her eyes shut as he continues to whisper.. mainly to the baby.

'Jus' don't grow up too fast, precious.. wanna snuggle you for as long as I can' he giggles into the softness of her skin.

She's done with her fries, leaving a few just for him.. and then they're driving down the long route home, restless as soft 70s plays in the background. Eventually she's in dreamland, little snores slipping out of her mouth. He moves strands of hair out of her face, softly stroking his fingers through it.. then he gently nudges her, whispering a 'we're home, love'. She leans against him, drowsy eyes, wobbly legs and collapses on the comfort of her bed. He'd be her big spoon if it wasn't for her belly.. so instead he gently rests his hand over it, smiling into the softness of her neck as they both drift off into a peaceful slumber.

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