Stressed {smut}

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'Fuck this shit' she screams into her text book.

Her hair is a mess, eyes tired from studying too hard. She needs a break from it all. She needs her Harry. She pokes her head through every room, pouting when she can't find him.

'Harry- ' she frantically calls for him.

It's only until a few seconds later that he appears with a concerned look on his face.

'What's the matter, peanut?' He asks her.

She buries her face into his chest. Her breathing slowly calming down by his warm touch. He wraps his arms around her, holding her tightly.

'I'm so stressed with studying' she tells him.

He coos, gripping her tighter to keep her calm. Often he would find her in tears, shaking in the corner of the room. If so, he would bend down, nudging his nose against hers. His lips grazing her own and he would tell her encouraging words.

'Y/N, baby.. don't over work yourself. It's not healthy' he reminds her.

She sighs, looking up at him with a weak smile. Her tired eyes can barely keep open. He gently picks her up, holding her close to him. He can feel her heartbeat sync with his, making him smile. She's all his and only his.

'Oh precious..' coos.

He lays her down, pulling at her waist band. Her tired eyes are now wide open, staring down at him. He pulls her panties down and spreads her legs open. She can feel the cool rings softly touching her inner thighs and she gasps from the effect.

'Relax for me, yeah?' He encourages her.

She simply nods, falling back onto the mattress. He can still feel her tense from all the stress. So it's his mission to focus on her tonight. Help her relax fully. He looks up at her. His lips blowing out hot air into her sensitive bud. But he doesn't make a move, waiting for her response.

'Please' she begs, tangling her hands into his hair.

Then he begins, kissing the inner corner of her thighs first before leaving light feathery kisses to her clit. It's soft and gentle, melting all her worries away that she moans out a content sigh. His hands are gripping her thighs firmly. But not that it's hurting her. His stubble grazing her skin.

'Is it alright, I'm not hurting you am I?' He pulls out, asking with worried eyes.

She shakes her head, eyes pleading for him to continue. And he does, keeping it nice and slow. His lips sucking at her clit first.

'Fuck' she breaths out, making fists with his curls.

Her eyes, they screw shut as she feels how sensitive she is. He can tell, taking her hand in his. He calms her shaking body, rubbing soothing patterns to the back of it.

'S'okay baby. Relax for me darling' he encourages.

She can barely feel the roughness after a while. His lips still sucking on her bud but gently. He always wants to make her experience more comfortable. Going in slow. Obliging to her needs. Making sure he's giving her his full attention.

'Shit' she breaths out once again, tangling her hand back into his hair.

Her body arches forward, making fists to his curls with her hands. She's reaching her high. She can feel it and so can he. Encouraging her to let go in between licks.

'I'm close, baby' she whispers to him.

He begins a vigorous attack. A moan slipping in between her lips from his actions. She's pulling at his hair, directing him further into her pussy until she feels a wave wash over. Her mouth falls open, toes curling inwards as her hands loosen their grip on his hair. She feels the euphoria. His tongue swiftly licking of all her cum.

'Oh my god' she pants.

Resting his head in between her legs, he gives her thighs one final kiss before nestling under the sheets with her head resting on his chest. Her heart is beating at a steady rhythm. Her body finally relaxed after a long day. Her eyes slowly dozing off.

'I love you, bubs'

'I love you too, my precious'

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