Award show

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There I was, clutching my bag as I walked down the red carpet. My breathing slightly heavier. My nerves creeping up on me like a ghost. I'm wearing a velvet pink suit, looking like I've come back from the 70s. My eye shadow a soft pink. My lips a nude colour. My hair curled to one side.

'Over here'

I hear all the camera men screaming, their cameras flashing in my face. It's daunting award shows. Especially when this is your first one. But my boyfriend Harry comforted me through it.

I turn my head around to see him smiling widely at me, nodding his head in encouragement. My nerves seem to ease slightly. My worries fade as I begin to pose, letting myself relax. Then I walk down the end of the carpet, strutting with confidence. A few interviewers asks questions and I answer them truthfully.

'You look hot'

I laugh slightly, shaking my head at her compliment.

'Are you excited to perform for the Grammy's?'

She asks, handing me the microphone.

'Nervous but excited'

I smile at her. Harry places his hands around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder as I continue the conversation we were having.

'I've got my precious teddy bear to keep me calm and collected. He's already done so while I was almost having a panic attack in the taxi ride'

The interviewer coos, smiling widely at us. I look down to see his puppy eyes looking up at mine. A smile curling on his lips, showing of his adorable dimples.

'How proud are you Harry? Singer songwriter of the year'

She chuckles. Again I shake my head, not fully grasping it.

'So so proud'

He smiles, eyes lighting up when he gets any chance to boast about me. Which is pretty much all the damn time. How could he not.

'Her music has such an impact on the younger generation. Singing about heartbreaking experiences. I'm so lucky to have been apart of it all'

I say my final words waving a goodbye and soon we're both ushered through the entrance doors. It only hits me now, that I'll be performing on that stage. All eyes on me.

'I think I'm going to throw up'

Harry holds my hand in his, massaging the back of it with his thumb as he gently takes me to the toilets. I see Lizzo looking in our direction, sending a wave. I smile but continue for the toilets and once I'm there, he's holding my hair up as throw up. His other hand rubs my back.

'S'alright love. It's normal to be nervous'

I look up at him and smile. I've never known a man as considerate as him. Always putting me first. Comforting my cries when I'm upset or simply driving us to a 24/7 diner because I crave food.

'We can go to aunt sal's diner after. Yeah?'

He continues to rub my back in a soothing manner, making me calm down a little. I nod my head, eyes sparkle at the mention of it. It's our favourite diner. Also where we had our first date, talking up all night. I manage to calm my nerves and we both head back out.

'Bitch, thought you were ignoring me'

Lizzo pulls me into a warm bear hug. Her laughter echoes through the room. I've always envied there friendship but now not anymore because I'm 'her favourite' as she reminds us every second. Harry rolls his eyes at us but smiles.

'Go kill it up there'

She lets go of the hug, giving Harry a small shake on the head.


The crew guide me to the side of the stage, handing me my acoustic guitar. A smile plasters on my face as it reminds me of home.

My Dad years ago performed with his band on stages. I saw him dance around, singing from the top of his lungs when I was thirteen and that's what convinced me to pursue music. A year ago he passed away but left me his guitar. A part of him is still with me wherever I go. One night Harry and I, we were sitting in our living room talking. We talked about our younger years, sharing a few tears here and there.

'My Dad and I would lie on the grass and watch the stars'

We ended up, painting the guitar with constellations and his initials engraved in the corner.

I gently brush my hand over it, feeling so much at peace when I'm alone with my guitar.

'Here to perform her latest single, give it up for Y/N, Y/L/N'

A take in a shaky breath before walking on stage. My eyes search the room and I finally find him, sitting across the table with a smile plastered on his face. Performing in front of a crowd can be scary but all I need to do is look into his eyes and I'm already feeling at home, safe, happy.

'You've got this'

He mouths, raising his glass up at me. I laugh slightly shaking my head and begin to perform. The room goes quiet. Jaws dropping. Little gasps echoes through the room. It's just me, my guitar and him. Everyone else fading around me.

'That's my girl'

He grins. His eyes never once leaving mine. I walk across the stage, waving at some fans standing at the front. My heart racing with adrenaline. My mind racing with crazy thoughts. I finally make it to my seat and they begin to bring out the awards.

'and the singer songwriter of the year goes to drumroll'

'Y/N Y/L/N'

I'm smiling through tears, body shaking slightly.

'You made it flower'

Harry pulls me into a passionate kiss.

'So so proud of you darling'

He mumbles through the kiss. A smile curls on his lips and yours too.

'Go get that award, love'

He whispers, letting go of the kiss. I shakily walk back up on stage, mumbling a thank you to the presenters and accepting this award.

'Oh wow... I urmm... I like to thank my record label, team, manager. My fans and friends. My boyfriend who has stuck by me when I was told I wasn't good enough over and over again. But most importantly my family. Dad- '

I look up, letting a few tears fall.

'This one's for you'

It was all blur by the end of the night. Drinking, dancing and watch funny skits by the presenters. Harry takes my hand in his. The whole night praising how good my performance was. We walk down the buzzing streets, talking, laughing until we reach aunt Sal's dinner and it felt like the first time. Endless conversations. Flirtatious glances.

'and this is how it all started'

Harry chuckles. He places a sweet kiss to my lips. My heart feeling at home. He's my home and forever will be.

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