Ever since New York

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OMG his smile

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OMG his smile. Urgh!!

'I'm going to regret this' you slur, pulling his shirt over his head.

His hands rest on your hips and he leans in again, roughly, hungrily kissing your lips. The heat itching in between your thighs.

'That makes both of us darling' he whispers in your ear.

Hands firmly holding yours over your head, he trails purple love bites from your neck all the way to the top of your breasts. Your buds hardening from his harsh, rough touch.

'Harry, H?' You call for him.

'Mhmm?' He looks up, eyes deeply gazing yours.

'Fuck me' you more so demand.

Eyes never leaving yours, he lifts you up, gently laying you down on the bed. Clothes are thrown on the floor. He places two kisses on the inner corner of your thighs before gently sucking and licking your bud. His hands gripping whatever he can hold. One fisting the sheets as the other squeezes your breast, leaving an imprint of purple. Soft moans fall from your lips as his tongue delicately traces your folds. Your hands tangling in his curls.

'Fu-fuck' you whisper out of breath.

He looks up for a moment, smirking at the state of you. Sweaty, breathless, whimpering.

'Please Haz, fuck me' you plead.

He obliges to your demand, slowly inserting himself. He's slow at first, letting you adjust before slamming into you with no mercy. His thrusts slightly messy due to the buzzing feeling of alcohol. Sounds of skin slapping together. Eyes hazily looking anywhere but his and yours. The heat is rising. Body sweating. But he slows down, taking his time to remember those eyes, lips, hair, body. Maybe finally sobering up, but he doesn't want this night to end.

That morning he leaves, heading back on the road. But his mind can only think of you. How much he was going to miss New York, you. Even you couldn't spend one minute without thinking of him. It's unhealthy for the both of you, seeing that this was pretty much a one night stand.

Night had fallen and your lying in bed alone. Reminiscing that night in his hotel room. Your hands touching every inch of what lingered from him. The dark purple hickeys he left all over. The sensitive bud, slightly blushed red from the over stimulation. Your breasts still left with his hand prints as he ate you up. Soon your eyes close and you drift of to sleep with the thought of him.

Morning breaks and you hastily brush pass people, grabbing a coffee on the go. New York buzzing, just like your mind with the thoughts of him. He seems to be on your mind more so lately, seeing he's back in New York for a few days. Your eyes softly look up when your met with a familiar face. Soft, green eyes. Cheeky grin, showing off his cute dimples. Messy curls that scatter all over the place. He's wearing runners shoes, sports shorts and a hoodie.

'Y/N' he's surprised.

You're more surprised that even he remembers your name. Shocked to see him standing right in front of you.

'You remember me?' You ask.

Harry lets out a giggle. Eyes still gazing yours as if you were some treasure fallen from heaven. To him you were. Always have been since the day he met you.

'Of course I do' he smiles cheekily.

The run in is cut short by your now buzzing phone. Endless missed calls from your work partner in crime. Who happens to be your best friend to.

'Shit, I've got to get to work. It was nice seeing you though' you politely smile, starting your walk.

But Harry stops you, placing his hand in yours. A firm grip but still so gentle. In one quick motion his lips are on yours. His body melting from the comfort of your warmth. He should have admitted it years ago. But it wasn't the right place or time. At least that's what he thought.

'I miss this, you' he whispers through the kiss.

Now your heart swoons. Eyes melting over his words. In all honesty, you missed this too. More than you could ever have imagined.

'I missed you too' you whisper back.

After years of pain and heart ache, fate brought you both back together. This time both of you finally admitting it.

'I've liked you since the first time we met. It's crazy but true' he smiles, intertwining his fingers with yours.

'H, I like you too' you openly admit.

and that's how your relationship blossomed.

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