coming home from tour

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he stumbles into the threshold, blinking his eyes in the darkness

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he stumbles into the threshold, blinking his eyes in the darkness. his hair is a mess, eyes tired. he's exhausted.

he hears the tv going, light flickering against your skin. you're sleeping.. peacefully.

his finger lightly traces your profile. your face crinkles to the gentle intrusion.

'shh— shh, angel' he coos.

his soft voice is calming. his hand tender against your skin.

'missed you, angel' he whispers.

he presses a drawn-out kiss to your temple, still brushing against your delicate skin.

it's not easy for him. scrutinised by the media, followed by paparazzi. but then you came along.. everything changed.

he lifts your sleeping figure, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. you stir slightly. but nestle into his chest. he's admiring your face. plush lips, blush cheeks. soft skin.

he's so gentle, making sure not to wake you. hand behind your back. the other under your knees.

you awake the next morning with a slight panic. bedsheet, soft pillows, hands around your waist and then it clicks to you. Harry is home.

you turn to face him, fingers tracing his profile. he looks soft.. super soft. his face scrunches at the gentle intrusion. but then relaxes.

'shh— shh' you coo.

the sun is peaking through, highlighting his skin, making him look divine.. heavenly.

you lean in, admiring his sleeping face. hand softly tangling in his curls. the other outlining his side profile. his nose crinkles at the touch, stirring slightly.

'shh— shh, handsome' you coo.

his skin is delicate, soft like cotton candy, with roseate cheeks. chocolate curls, waves under a current storm. crushing in every direction.

he's dreaming away, whimpering in his sleep. you continue to gently stroke his hair, mumbling sweet nothings. he relaxes under your touch. soft sigh slipping pass his lips.

and when his eyes slowly flutter open, he blinks away sleep, a smile tugging on his face.

'morning, love' he whispers.

shy glances, delicate kisses, giggles. he's mumbling missed you, brushing his lips against yours.

and there's no denying it, you missed him too. holding his pillow against your chest, wishing he was here beside you. thinking about him 24/7.

but he's here now and that's all that matters.

your forever.. him.

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