fast car

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'i don't even know you anymore' your voice chokes.

your father takes a swig of the alcohol, pointing his finger at you. you quickly bring your knees to your chest, crying uncontrollably.

'shouldn't be here.. shouldn't exist' he yells, stumbling across to you.

you shake violently, breathing heavy, heart pounding out of your chest, stinging with pain from his harsh words. he glares at you for a minute before walking away and slamming the front door shut. you take in a shaky breath, reaching for your phone. too shaken to move, vision blurry from the tears, you manage to call your boyfriend.

'hey, love. jus' finished at the studio. missed you' he speaks through the phone.

'mi- missed you too' you manage through shaky tears.

his heart squeezes out of his chest, concern in his eyes.

'what's the matter, love?' he softly asks you.

the line is dead for a moment, silence screaming into the dark night and for a moment he's thinking the worst. but then your soft, broken voice can be heard through the phone.

'i- i'm scared' you confess. 'come pick me up'.

in a heartbeat he's, turning his car around, driving as fast as he can.

'stay on the line for me, darling' he tells you.

his voice is calm and soft, whispering 'jus' breath for me' 'no need to cry, love' 'i'll be there in seconds'.

'H..' you choke.

that breaks him completely, your voice broken, shattered like little shards.

'i'm still here, love' he assures you.

in minutes he's standing nervously at your door, asking for you to open up for him. and you do, falling into his embrace. you're shaking in front of him, mumbling a 'can't live here anymore'. he coos, holding you protectively in his arms. he has to carry you to his car because your shaking violently. he has to put the seatbelt on because through clouded tears, your vision is blurry. he leans in, placing a drawn-out kiss to your temple.

'you're okay, love.. i've got you now' he whispers while comforting your tears.

he gazes at you, softly brushing the tears away with the pad of his thumbs.

'i promise you.. everything is going to be okay' he whispers.

and in that moment, you feel butterflies in the pit of your stomach, heart squeezing out of your chest. uncontrollable tears turning into soft sobs.

'everything will be okay' he reassures you.

he's brushing his thumb over the back of your hand as he quickly gazes at your sleeping figure. soft snores are slipping from your pretty lips, dreaming away. he's keeping himself calm, driving to his house although all he wants to is cry.

he carries you upstairs, brushing his lips over your forehead. he's mumbling sweet nothings. he's laying you softly on the bed, pulling the cover up to your chest. he brushes his fingers through your hair, eyes stinging with tears.

and through shaky breaths, he whispers a 'no more hurting'..

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