Tuscany {smut}

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The brightly honey glow reflected upon his skin

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The brightly honey glow reflected upon his skin. Eyes more golden than ever. It was a hot summers day. Bodies glistening with sweat. You turn your head around for a moment to watch your handsome boyfriend take his last call and although you were mad at him, it's not his fault that every five seconds it rings.

'Look... I'm busy. I call you when I get back home' he speaks through the phone.

It had been weeks, planning this trip because he wanted to see 'a part of your culture, world', the place you grew up in. Of course you loved the idea. Showing everything your home town had to offer.

'I'm sorry, baby' he whispers, leaning in for a kiss.

But you move your head away, huffing In frustration. Eyes avoiding his. He lets out a sigh, sitting next to you on the outdoor couch. His hands pulling you closer to him and he nestles his face in the crevice of your neck, leaving purple love bites. You couldn't stay mad at him for so long. Not when he was being this affectionate.

'I'm sorry, love. I'll make it up to you. Tonight' he whispers.

You let out a soft hum, closing your eyes for a while. The silence taking over. It was peaceful and quiet. Just how you both liked it, seeing that most of the time your lives are hectic.

The day barely began. Cycling down the empty streets to the little town. The heat burning your skin. But you manage to cool it off with your first espresso of the day.

'So I was thinking...' you ponder for a moment.

Leaning back on your chair. Elderly people passed by holding hands. Heart eyes and all cozied as they walk.

'There's a market down the piazza that we could stop by. Buy some flowers and visit my Nonna for a bit' you smile.

You've been so close to her. Visiting on holidays as a kid even though you lived only a few blocks away. It was nice to get away from your chaotic small apartment that your parents could only afford. Plus she always had a beautiful garden.

'Sounds like a wonderful idea' he smiles, placing his hand in yours.

And so you carry your bikes along, wandering down the market. Soft Italian music is playing in the background. That romantic kind the band would play in restaurants.

'She will love these' you smile, holding up a bouquet of flowers in your hands.

Harry couldn't care less what you picked. His heart eyes looking softly at you. Beaming with delight. It was these moments he loved the most, seeing you so happy for the simplest of reasons. He didn't even need to think twice before he handed the seller the 10 euro note and asked him to keep the change.

'Harry... you didn't have to pay for this' you gasp.

'But I want to' he places a sweet kiss to your lips.

Your grandmother was rather surprised but delighted to see you both, gushing over the flowers.

'Piccola' she smiles, bringing you into her warm embrace.

It felt like the old days. Sitting in her lap as she held you close. Softly telling you the story of how she met the love her life. For a while you fantasised about it, wishing to have that kind of romance. Where the guy would buy you flowers. Give you a lift home. Write love letters and your lucky to have found him. A last hug goodbye before you make your way back to the villa.

'My grandmother likes you. A lot' you sit yourself on the bed.

Eyes gazing at him as he removes his shirt. The heat was unbearable to say the least. But you managed.

'Does she?' He smiles, looking back at you.

His eye gazes at your silky, white dress that outlined your figure. Nipples peeking through the fabric. He couldn't contain the bulge that was growing in his pants. His hands trail down your lips, resting them on your breasts. The thin material separating him from your soft skin. He gently lifts your dress up, throwing it across the room until his eyes fall to your breasts again.

'Y-yeah' you stutter, feeling his lips gently press to one of your breasts.

He places his hand on the other, massaging it.

'F-fuck' you curse, lacing your hands through his hair.

The feeling taking your breath away every time. He pops his mouth out of your breast, placing a soft kiss to the nipple before sucking on the other. His member now throbbing against your laced panties he bought you for your birthday. You can feel it and you buck your hips up, causing him to let out a low grunt against your skin. Again he takes his mouth away from your breast. Not before kissing the nipple lightly. You let out small whimpers, eyes desperately wanting more.

'Please, Harry' you beg, looking down at him.

Your plea was enough for him. His cock ready at your entrance.

'Are you sure?' He asks.

He knew how to treat a lady. Always asking you for consent first. You nod your head slightly and he pushes in slowly. His eyes all the while looking at you and he whispers a 'I love you' to show how much he cares. That was it.

'Oh my, fuck' you breath out, overwhelmed by it.

He lets out a moan too. The feeling almost like heaven to him. But he knows it's too much for you, still getting used to it.

'It's okay love, I got you' he calms you down, running his hand through your hair, lips kissing all over.

His thrusts are slow but intimate. Just the way you both like it. Your hands tangle in his hair as a moan falls from your lips.

'Shit baby' he mumbles, face falling in the crevice of your neck.

Stars is what you see, floating in the air from the euphoria that you feel and you can't avoid the feeling that rests in the pit of your stomach.

'H, I'm close' you moan.

He lifts his head up to meet your gaze, wanting to look at you when you both cum. His hand caressing your cheek.

'Come on love, lets get you there' he encourages.

With one final push, you release your juices. His name falling angelically from your lips. The sound so soft and sweet. He slows down and soon reaches his high, letting out a low grunt.

'Fuck, baby that was beautiful' he whispers, collapsing from exhaustion.

His eyes tired and worn out. You tangle your hand in his hair, placing small shapes on his back with the other hand to calm him from his high.

'I love the way my cock feels inside of you. So nice and warm. Fuck... I need to stop before I orgasm again' he whispers sweet little nothings in your ear.

It's quiet for a moment before he finally rolls out and rests his head back into the pillow. You rest your head on his chest, tangling your legs together. The whole night talking about everything. Every so often he would ask you to speak Italian to him, making him fall more in love with you.

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