Only angel part 5 {smut}

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Harry sits patiently at the back of the church. His cock throbbing with pulsating pain as he waits for her soaking cunt. Usually he'd have her on her fucking knees sucking him off.. but today, she begged to feel him fully. She wanted.. no needed to feel him fully. and she was stubborn like that. Protesting against his request and whispering dirty words just to convince him. and so.. he obliges, unbuckling his belt and shoving his cock out of his briefs, hissing when his cock thrusts into the coolness of the air slapping against his clothed skin.

He was so zoned out in his own thoughts that he hadn't even realised her body hovering over him. A smirk appearing on her face. From what he could tell as she bunches her dress up for him. Usually he'd be mad. Really mad that she didn't listen to his needs. But he wanted.. no needed to feel her fully too.

'Easy.. gentle, love' he encourages.

She pays him no attention, slamming down on him. With her quick, harsh movements, he lets out a soft grunt.

'Fucking hell' he hisses in her ear.

He can feel his cock, slick through her tight walls. He can hear her breathy voice and the beating of her heart. He can feel her clenching around him the minute she sinks down. He can see the angels decorated on the ceiling staring down at them. But he gives two fucks about it, basking in the warmth of her aching cunt. She doesn't move. He doesn't let her, gripping her neck with his hand and whispering for her to sit still. She does, staring back at the front with her eyes screwed shut for one minute. She can feel him pulsating inside of her, filling her up to the brim. She can feel his cock in her belly when he gently presses her hand there.

'Can ya feel it, love?' He asks her.

She can't say anything, fearing her words would come out as a strangled moan so she nods without hesitation.

For a while she's patient, interlacing their hands together. Just to show him how much she appreciates this.. hips together.. cock trapped inside her walls, throbbing.

'That's it, angel. Sitting perfectly still on my cock' he speaks lowly in her ear.

His filthy words alone make her clench around him once again and he growls in her ear. His hands roam over her body, chest, breasts, pressing against her belly to feel the imprint of his cock. and with that he smirks against her flushed skin. He has her under his control now. How he likes it.

The priest begins to say his prayer, looking up at the ceiling with his hands out open in front of him. He's bent on his knees. She watches carefully, listening to him fully.. and although she can feel his cock twitching in between her soaking cunt, her cum leaking onto the wooden floor board's, she's determined to believe every word said. She gasps when he unexpectedly buckles his hips, cock slamming harshly inside of her, making her moan out his name.

'Shh.. shh, angel' he grips his hand over her throat, brushing his thumb there gently to keep her silent.

She lets out small, quiet whimpers, gripping at the pew in front of her. Her body is trembling, eyes heavy lidded as her mind begins to wonder into an euphoric haze. With that he takes control of the situation, sucking and licking over her delicate skin. His hand presses lightly on her belly again, muttering a 'love feeling my cock in your belly' 'could stay like this all day, love' 'can't have ya screaming. Not yet'. She's so out of it, she can barely comprehend or feel anything anymore. Her body is shaking, her hands grasping the pew to keep herself grounded. To feel herself melt under his touch.

'S'alright, baby' he coos, squeezing her hips gently to bring her back to reality.

She squirms, feeling his hands squeeze her hips, ticklish.

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