spending the day with his bean

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spending the entire day with his bean would include:

constant silly conversations. 'i know, bean. s'not nice when it's raining' 's'nap time, bean. m'tired'.

ruffles her hair all the damn time.

bubble baths are fun. bubble beards. bubble hair.

aeroplane food for bean. she's a giggle mess for that.

grabs anything. face. toys. fisting his hair in her lil hands.

likes to eat things too. sticks his curls in her mouth. toys. anything that looks edible. his cross necklace.

raspberry kisses. cute lil giggles. lil squeals too.

booping her nose with her stuffed animal. 'muah..'

lots of resting her head against his shoulder. cheek pressed to her head.

lots of nappy changes. 's'alright' boop 'almost done' boop 'no need' boop 'to cry'.

constant drooling. food stains around her mouth. he has to wipe them off.

fussy baby. takes it from him. always holding her in his arms. 'ya done fussin', bean?'.

plays with her toys. her stuffed rabbit bouncing up and down, making her giggle.

bouncing her in his lap, making her giggle too.

conversations about you too. 'mama looks pretty today'. baby food stains. glasses on the bridge of your nose. hair in a messy bun. eyes tired. he still finds you beautiful.

'you were in there.. nice and cosy in mama's belly' he points to your belly.

'one.. two.. three..' he counts all ten fingers and toes.

nap time is the best. all three in the bedroom. little snores. babbles. waking up to small wails.

when it's time for bed, you hold her in your arms. he would steal a kiss to her head. 'night pumpkin'.

lots of cuddles in the middle of the night. 'shh— shh. mama needs her sleep.. and you do too'.

he wouldn't trade anything for the world. his life just perfect.

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