Sign of the times

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This one is very emotional to read. So bring lots of tissues. I wrote this while listening to the song and for some odd reason words just flowed through my mind, making this writing experience so much easier. This is by far my favourite story I have written.

Remember everything will be alright

'Please no, mum don't' I cry, holding my mother in my arms.

She's bleeding, clutching her pregnant belly. Her eyes look at mine. A slight smile appears on her lips and she moves hair out of my face, staring up at me.

'My precious' she coos.

Her eyes begin to close. Her breathing stops. Her hands fall limp. Screams pierce through the night, cutting the silence.

'Mum. MUM PLEASE' I scream.

My body shakes violently. My tears fall. I hear a soothing voice calming my cries. His arms securely holding me close to him.

'Y/N, baby' he shakes.

My body shakes violently. My tears are hauntingly loud and I grasp for air as my body lurches forward.

'Shh baby, I've got you' he whispers.

I turn to face him, burying my face into his chest. My hands are gripping his arms. My tears won't stop. My body is still trembling. I'm still grasping for air. My mind flashes sequences of the dream. My head hurts. My chest hurts.

'Shh, love' he repeats.

I've been having these occurring dreams since I was 5. At first I didn't think much of it. Thought it was just normal. But then I told dad about it and he cried. He told me I was seeing mum. I cried too.

'I h-hate it' my lips quiver as I let more tears fall.

'I know buttercup' he soothes.

His lips presses lightly to each cheek. He does this repeatedly before placing a firm kiss to my forehead. My hands let go of him and I slowly sink into his warmth, letting him secure me under his hold. We stay like this, rocking back and forth until my breathing calms down. My tears turn into small sobs and my body stops shaking.


'Just stop your crying. It's a sign of the times' Harry sings.

His eyes comfort mine as I look across at him. My lips quiver, hands holding onto my heart.

'We don't talk enough. We should open up. Before it's all too much' his voice echoes through the stadium.

I look up to the lights, closing my eyes and for a moment, just a moment I capture my beautiful mother smiling down at me. I envisioned her with a white dress. Long brown hair flowing behind her ears. Crimson lips, roseate cheeks.

'Will we ever learn?. We've been here before. It's just what we know' he belts out each word.

They dance around on the tip of his tongue, graciously falling from his lips. Each word hauntingly beautiful. Painful.

'S'alright. I'm right here' he whispers, holding me close.

I didn't even realise my body shaking. My heart feels heavy. Just like my breathing. He lifts me up into his arms, whispering gentle words to calm my tears.

'Shh, baby. She's right here' he coos.

His eyes roam to my chest and I look to where my heart beats. I cry harder, looking back at him with desperate eyes. He gently lowers me onto the couch, placing a drawn-out kiss to my forehead. His hands hold mine.

'Just breath for me darling' he motions.

I do so, taking in shaky breaths and breathing out. They reverberate through the green room. My heart feels heavy but my head feels light.

'In and out' he too does it, helping me follow his actions.

My heart beat slows down. My trembling body become small shakes and my tears are gentle sobs. He keeps instructing me to breath until I've fully calmed down. His hand softly runs through my hair and he stares into my eyes with so much love and comfort.

'S'alright baby. You're okay' he whispers.

For a while he just rocks us back and forth, lips pressing firmly to my hair.

'You're alright, my love' he assures me.

Although I was far from it, I nuzzle my face into his chest smiling widely.

'Thank you' I manage.


My tired eyes look up at him and he looks down at me, squeezing my hand gently. My head rests on his shoulder as the taxi drives us back home. We said our goodbyes to the band who had asked us if we wanted to join them for a super late diner.

'Go to sleep baby. I'll wake you once we arrive home' he whispers, opening his arms out so I can cuddle closer to him.

A small chuckle falls from his lips. Mine too. I don't remember him taking me upstairs and undressing me into my pyjamas. I don't remember him kissing my forehead lightly, muttering a 'I love you'. I do remember him pulling me close, making me flutter my eyes open.

'Goodnight love' he whispers.

'Night' I mumble.

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