Face down

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Trigger warning: mention of rape.

So, basically this story isn't a typical one. I've decided I want to write more about these hard uncomfortable topics because it is not written enough in the writing community. Please keep this in mind. I've never experienced this ever. So what I have written is purely made up.

I chose this sad song because it really fits with the story.

Please skip if you can't handle it.

'Go to bed now I can tell. Pain is on the way out now. Look at the way the domino falls away'

He dragged her across the room. Her breathing staggered while he pushed her face down onto the mattress, forcing her ass up. Sometimes if she really misbehaved he would even tie her up from behind so she had no way of escaping.

'Please' she begged, trying to squirm away from him.

But he kept her head pinned down, muttering words that made her feel worthless.

'This is your fault. That's why I'm punishing you' his hot heavy breath tickled her ear and sent chilling shivers down her spine.

There was nothing she could do. She was tongue tied by the presence of her boyfriend. Her wrists were held by his strong hand. Her face turned sideways, buried deep into the pillow. She closes her eyes, soft tears falling as he touched her.

'Ple- please' she begged through sobbed tears.

He didn't listen but pinned her further down to the mattress. Her body trembled violently. Her sobs became uncontrollable tears and she begged and pleaded for the millionth time for him to stop.

'Shut the fuck up Y/N' he shouted in between grunts.

His hand reached for her hair yanking it from behind so that her head looked backwards. Her once light green eyes faded to grey. Her lips were bruised and swollen by her own harm as he thrusted into her.

'You made me do this' he had a stern look on his face, glaring down at her.

When he was done, screaming out her name as he orgasmed, he pressed his body against hers. His hot breath fanned over her ear and he stilled inside of her.

'I love you' he whispered. 'I did this because I love you.

He pulled out of her, whispering once more that he loved her before turning of the lights. She laid there, silently crying while he sounded fast asleep. His hand pressed lightly over her bare stomach. She felt disgusted by it. Tears beginning to brim her eyes again.

It took her two years to finally come forward about it and in those two years she finally found love again. Harry. He held her up when she was weak. Stood by her in court when she had to tell the judge about her experience. He comforted her when she was upset or had nightmares. He was her rock and she couldn't have been more thankful.

'Ple- please' Harry hears her whisper.

He turns over to find her brows knitted together, body shaking as she screams. She's having another nightmare.

'Y/N, baby' he shakes her gently.

She doesn't flutter her eyes open. He shakes her again this time more violently and she jolts up immediately, wrapping her arms around him as she tangles her body over his. Tears are spilling from her eyes. Memories of her trauma flashing through her mind.

'Shh- shh, you're safe with me' he whispers, holding his grip around her.

She shakes her head in disbelief but clings onto him like he's her life line. With tenderness he runs his finger up and down her spine whispering to calm her tears.

'S'alright, my love. I've got you' he comforts her with loving words.

She seems to calm down. Her screams turning into small sobs. He's still running his hand up and down her back, peppering her temple with small kisses.

'I'm so proud of you' he mumbles in between the kiss.

Her lips curve into a smile and he can feel it, curving his lips too. His hand that is running along her spine is now lifting her chin up so he can see her beautiful face.

'I'm really proud of you' he repeats before leaning in to kiss her lips fully.

She can't help the butterfly feeling in the pit of her stomach. She can't shake the lightness in her chest. She can't stop the beating of her heart. This is her home. In his loving arms and although it took her years to bring her strength back, she was grateful he was beside her through it all.

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