I mi-miss you part 6

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'We are not naming our son Henry. That's for certain' Harry huffs.

'Who says we're having a son?' you question him.

He lets out a light chuckle, wrapping his arms around your waist as he nestles his face in the crevice of your neck. You kiss his head lightly. Happy now that you're finally starting your own little family.

'Just saying. We don't like Henrys' he nuzzles his face further.

'But I like the name Henry' you tease him.

He looks up at you, eyes glaring at yours. His hand presses against his heart and he lets out a fake whimper, pretending to be hurt.

'What about Bowie. How does that sound?' You ask him.

He buries his face in the crevice of your neck again, leaving light kisses.

'Sounds perfect' he smiles through the kiss.

'What if it's a girl?' You ask him.

He lifts his head up, pondering about it. Quiet frankly he never took the time to think of baby names. But he knew how much it meant to you. Kept your mind out of the gutter.

'Don't know. Any ideas, love' he sits on the edge of the bed, resting his hands on your hips.

You place yourself in between his legs, resting your lips softly to his curls. He smells like winter. A mix of vanilla and pine.

'What if we name her Ana. It's a Greek version of Anne. Like your mum's' you suggest. 'It means grace'

He smiles, showing off his dimples.

'I like that very much' he whispers, leaning in to kiss your lips.

Things become a little heated before you pull away, resting your lips to his hair again.


'Ana, precious. Daddy loves you very much' he whispers to your belly.

You play with his curls, softly looking down at him. His hands press gently to your belly. Every so often he would look up at you with a big smile on his face.

'Don't tell mummy, but I'm proud of her. So so proud of her' he giggles.

You both feel her little feet kicking and he looks up at you with tears in his eyes as you look down with tears in yours.

'She's proud of you too' he whispers, wiping them away.


'Y/N, love' Harry's tired voice speaks through the darkness.

He switches the lamp on his bedside table on, softly searching for you. Your huddled in the corner of the room. Knees pressed to your chest as you quietly let tears fall.

'I'm scared, H' is the two words he dreaded to hear.

He gently lifts you up, resting your head against his chest as you lay in his lap. His lips press a gentle kiss to your hair. He lifts your tee up, placing soft circles on your back. He doesn't say anything until your loud tears become small sobs.

'S'alright to be scared love' he whispers.

He begins to sway softly side to side. Something his mother did when he was upset. His lips still presses light kisses to your hair.

'I promise you darling' he lifts your chin up.

'When your life feels like it's out of order, I'll stop my own world just to help you pull through' he kisses your forehead.

You stay like that until he hears little snores. He gently picks you up, laying under the covers. His world so much brighter. His life so much better.

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