Only angel part 8 {smut}

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Even in the early mornings, his tip grazing along her sensitive spot as he stirs himself awake, her walls involuntary clenching around him.. they still have time for each other. Her hands are gripping his tattooed arms for support as she rocks her hips back and forth. It's messy, baring in mind they're still in a half sleep state. Their heavy lidded eyes trying to blink sleep away. She leans down in his ear, pressing a light kiss there.

'Can't.. I..' she barely whispers.

He knows exactly what she means, turning over so he's in missionary position. He loves it, intimate and gentle. He has to be after a rough night. He has to show her that he's no devil, he can be an angel too. His thrusts are slow but heavy, cock to the hilt of her. Her sleepy eyes are now fully awake, resting between his golden eyes and his soft lips. She brings him down for a kiss, tangling her hands into his hair.

'Fucking beautiful' he mumbles into the crook of her neck.

He loved every part of her. Thick thighs, curvy hips, not like the models in fashion magazines. He couldn't care less about them. All he cared about was his angel.

He remembers when she confessed to him about her insecurities. He had to show her that every part of her was fucking beautiful, whispering in her ear 'no wonder I fucking crave you, gotta fuck you whenever I can. Mark you as mine'. Her body tingled as he whispered those words. Then he gently laid her onto the soft pillows. He pointed to her features, telling her why he loved them. 'Your thighs, love.. god there just fucking pretty to squeeze. Soft and plush just for me' he whispered into her ear. He squeezed them with his calloused hands. Then pressed open mouth kisses, trailing his lips closer to her soaking cunt. He kissed the inner corner of her thighs, admiring the little love heart shapes he marked on her the night before. Then with a quick strip to her clit, he dipped his tongue into her cunt, sipping her honey. 'and this..' he says in between licks. 'Fucking love your cunt. You know I do'. He could write a fucking poem about it. When she had orgasmed for the first time that night, he picked her up, commanding her to sit on all fours, facing the mirror. She did, staring at herself. A pool of cum dripped out of her, lust filled her eyes, lips swollen from biting it too hard. 'Gonna fuck that pretty cunt of yours, love.. fuck it real nice. Yeah?' He whispered filthy words to her ear. His body pressed to hers as his tip grazed at her entrance. 'But first..' he gripped her throat in his hand, the other fondling with her breasts. 'Look at you.. not even fucking Aphrodite could compare to you' he grunted. You blushed. 'Couldn't fuck her like I do with you' he confessed. He commanded her to say those words. Fucking beautiful.. and she did. Her words strangled into a moan as he entered into her slowly. 'Fucking tight, love' he whispered in her ear, stilling inside of her. She could feel his hot breath fanning over her delicate skin. Lips left soft kisses down her spine. 'So fucking tight.. seeing stars' he continued to whisper in between kisses. His hand reached over her shoulder, squeezing her breast as the other gripped her belly tightly against him. He fucked her slow, reminding her every so often what part of her he liked. 'Love every part of ya. Breasts, lips, eyes, belly. Fuck I love feeling my fat cock in ya belly.. can ya feel it?' He asked her, pressing her hand to her belly. She could feel it.. deep. So fucking deep. 'That pussy of yours. S'like god created it just for me. Fuck.. didn't he?' He asked her. She nodded her head, leaning her body against his for support.. and he let her, roaming his hand over her body, squeezing her breasts, dipping his finger into her aching cunt, pressing his hand over her belly to feel the imprint of his cock against her flesh. He devoured her body, hungry for her.. and when he was done, stilling inside of her as they tried to catch their breaths, he gripped her throat. 'Look.. angel. Fucking art'.

He still does, whispers to her all the fucking time that her body is fucking art. That god created such a beautiful thing. She also reminds him that not even the statue of David could compare to him. David couldn't fuck her the way he did. His thrusts are sloppy.. messy. Head pressed against hers. He loved intimate moments with her. Remind her that he can be soft too.

'Fu-uck.. H' she whimpers, edging closer to her high.

He could feel it. Her walls clenching around him hard and fast. His eyes never once leave hers, his hands cupping her cheeks. He needed to be so close with her. Feel every inch of her skin. She's desperate for her release, eyes glossy with tears.

'Shh.. shh, angel. I'm right here' he whispers.

She can feel butterflies flutter in the pit of her stomach. She can see the fluttering of his butterfly tattoo as he rolls his hips into her. As if it's coming to life.

'Fu-uck' she takes in a shaky breath.

Her teeth sink into his skin, hands digging into his shoulder blades, making him grunt loudly. Her body is shaking, legs trembling under his touch. She releases her honey into him. Streaks of it.

'Fucking beautiful' he whispers in the crook of her neck.

He too can feel himself reaching his high and when he does, he bucks his hip tightly against hers, cock stilled to the hilt of her as she feels streaks of his cum mix with hers.

'Fuck, angel.. wouldn't be sorry if I fucking put a baby in there' he presses his hand to her belly. 'Shows ya how fucking much I love ya'.

It's early morning and she knows he's not thinking straight, still in his sleepy state. But boy did that make her feel things. Head swirling in a purple haze. Butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach. Cunt clenching around him.

'Fuck, sorry.. jus' slipped out' he apologises.

But she's quick to greedily kiss his mouth, running her hands through his hair, tongue slipping in, fighting against his own.

'One day.. yeah?' She whispers in between the kiss.

He pulls away from her, tilting his head slightly. He can't help feel all mush and soft inside. His cock already softening inside her tight walls.. and that's his cue to pull out. But she doesn't let him. Not yet. Her legs trap him on top of her, squeezing his butt further into her. Soft moans slip from their mouths.

'Really?' He asks her.

She simply nods her head, smiling up at the love of her life. He buries his face in the crook of her neck and for a while they stay like that. Tangled in between the sheets. Every so often he would nudge his nose against hers, whispering a 'I fucking love you'. Finally she lets him pull out, whimpering for his touch.

'S'alright angel.. no need to whine about it' he assures her.

He knows that at the end of the day he'll have her wrapped around his finger.. well.. his cock.

'Better get dressed.. need to be at the studio in an hour' he tells her.

and so they lazily head into the shower, making out, touching skin, his hands massaging shower gel all over her body. Then he wraps a towel around her, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. He loves to be soft around her. Can't get enough of it.

'I'll see you tonight, angel' he whispers in her ear, then softly presses a kiss there.

She's hot on her heels, making her way up the front steps. She can't stop smiling, thinking about his words. How much he wanted to put a baby in her. For now she was just happy to have him in her life. Forever and always.

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