Adore you

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His eyes wanders to you, his love. You just woke up, placing your hair in a messy bun. Your breasts seem more swollen after giving birth and your eyes are puffy from lack of good sleep. But then again Harry looks just as much of mess as you.

'Morning love' he whispers, leaning over to peck your lips.

You lean in, tangling your hand through his hair before walking over to make yourself coffee.

Harry had been in the home studio for the first few days, seeing he has his two angels to look after. That was and is his top priority. His family. He couldn't help shake his head to the mention of it, realising he's finally father.

'Sit darling, I'll make you breakfast' he fusses.

He's been your rock since day one. Buying you midnight snacks. Holding your hair up through morning sickness. It's clear he would walk through fire for you. Sacrifice his life for you and now his little angel too.

You sit down, sipping your coffee while looking over at him. The sunlight is peaking through the kitchen windows.

He couldn't help but stare at you. Adore you. Even if you did look like a mess, you were his mess and he wouldn't want it any other way.

Your eyes reminded him of tangy lemon over ice. Your lips reminded him of pink rose petals. Velvet and smooth. Your skin reminded him of the golden sun during the summer time.

'You should rest. You look awful' you suggests, squeezing his hand slightly.

'I'm okay. Honestly' he assures you.

He brings your hand to his lips, softly kissing each knuckle with care. But your quiet moment comes to a halt when you hear your angel's piercing cries through the baby monitor.

You sigh, making your way upstairs to the nursery room. There, your daughter lays screaming and kicking. You pick her up, cooing softly to calm her tears as you make your way down to the kitchen.

'S'alright baby. Mama's gonna give you your milk now' you whisper.

You sit down, unbuttoning a few buttons and your daughter mouth immediately latches to your breast, greedily sucking for food.

'Hungry aren't ya?' Harry chuckles, softly running the pad of his thumb over her head.

Her curious eyes looks up at them and she smiles between sucking.

'Hi angel' you smile.

Harry places a drawn-out kiss to your forehead, while massaging your back.

'She's so cute' you mumble, grinning from ear to ear.

'I know' he grins too.

Harry gently picks her up, placing her head over his shoulder, patting her back. She lets out the tiniest burp, scrunching her eyes while doing so.

'Cute little bean' he mumbles.

He presses his cheek to her head, rocking her back and forth.

'Our cute little angel' you coo.

You follow Harry's footsteps, heading into your shared bedroom. Harry snuggles his girl to his chest, wrapping his arms securely around her tiny body.

'Couldn't be anymore in love' you beam.

You snuggle next to them, running your hand over her head. She lets out little noises, fisting her hands together. Her eyes scrunch and she lets out wails.

'Shh, angel. There's no need to fuss' he coos.

He gently runs his hand up and down her back, singing softly. She begins to quiet down.

'and ice scream castles in the air and feathered canyons everywhere. I've looked at clouds that way' he quietly sings.

You softly kiss his cheek, smiling widely.

'That's our song' you whisper in his ear to which he smiles.

The sun began to disappear, leaving an orange glow. You both sat on the warm sand. Eyes gazing at each other. Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell is playing through his phone. Suddenly his lips caresses yours. His hand snakes from behind, holding you close.

'I love you' he mumbles through the kiss.

You break away, surprised. But then you lean in, passionately kissing him like your life depended on it.

'I love you too'...

Her tiny hands waver about, hitting over his nose lightly. You let out a giggle and she does too.

'S'not funny' he huffs.

She's in fits of giggles, looking up at him with a wide grin.

'Is too' you poke your tongue out.

She reaches her tiny hand up to his mouth and he pretends to bite it, making her giggle once again.

'You're hand's so soft, buttercup' he coos, softly nibbling away.

Your eyes gaze at the two. Heart melting, swelling with so much joy. You place a loving kiss to his lips, caressing his cheek with your thumb.

'I love you' you whisper.

'I love you too' he replies.

You both look down to your beautiful daughter, smiling widely.

'and we love you'

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