Somewhere in Japan...

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There was a karaoke bar serving all you can eat sushi. We drank a few cocktails and ate too much sushi. Then somewhat took turns at the karaoke machine.

I chose to sing one of his songs, just to piss him off. Only Angel. He rolled his eyes at me, putting up the middle finger. Then it was his turn and he sang an oldie which reminded me of how we met.

The midnight moon illuminated the dark roads and our faces as we stumbled out of the karaoke bar. We sang four songs each, that the bartender almost kicked us out. I turned to find his soft features. Eyes slightly hazier. Lips still very inviting. Hair soft and in messy curls. I cuddled into his side, suddenly feeling a little cold and I curse myself for not bringing a jacket.

'Cold Babe?' He asked and I simply nod.

He brought his jacket over my body, which reached up to my knees, cuddling into my side to keep me warm. It's the little things that make my heart swoon.

'Thanks' I mumbled as I kissed the corner of his lips.

He let out a hum, interlacing our hands together and squeezing it lightly before bringing it to a gentle kiss.

'Anything for you, darling' he smiled, tilting his head slightly.

We made our way back to the hotel room and he pinned me against the wall. His curls tickling my chin as he kissed my bare chest. He left purple love bites all over there before looking back into my eyes. I wrapped my legs around his waist, placing my hands around his neck and tangling my fingers in his curls at the bottom.

'Fucking gorgeous' he cursed, tracing his finger along my lips.

Then he proceeded to tap down the sides of his sleeve jacket. His eyes not once shying away from mine.

From there we removed each other's clothes until we're both naked. He kissed all over my face, neck, collarbone and chest, leaving me breathless. I keep myself wrapped around him as he holds me against the wall. His hand traced over my small tattoos. Love heart with his initials in it. Then he brought it to my breasts, tracing their outline before teasing with each nipple. I gasped from the cold rings touching my delicate skin. His lips, they hungrily kissed mine. His hips, they buckled against mine.

'Ready, love?' He asked, moving hair out of my face.

I simply nodded, aching for his touch. He stared at me for a while, tracing fingers over my lips again before entering slowly. I gasped, feeling his cock stretch me out. He held me nicely in his arms as he brought us to the bedroom, laying me gently on the bed.

'Fu-uck' I staggered as he began thrusting in slowly.

His hand brought mine to his lips, kissing it lightly.

'Precious' he mumbled in the kiss.

His thrusts were slow and gentle. His forehead was pressed against mine, making this experience more intimate.

'I love you, pretty' I confessed.

'I' he thrusted. 'I.. I love you too'


I let out a groan from the harsh light peeking through the window. Harry grips his arms around me tighter, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck to shield himself from the light too.

'Fuck this shit' I curse, turning my head around to face him.

His hair looks like a mess, eyes closed, lips soft. I trace his profile softly with my fingers until they reach his chest. He stirs slightly, but doesn't open his eyes. Then I trace my fingers over his A and G tattoo. He doesn't make any movements, keeping his eyes closed. I steal a kiss to his jaw and he grips my waist tighter, fluttering his sleepy eyes open. He barely brushes his lips passed mine.

'Morning, pretty' I whisper.

His hand trails up the middle of my spine until they reach my neck. He tangles his hand in my hair, massaging it gently.

'Morning' his raspy voice echos through the room.

He finally brings his lips to mine. It's passionate but no longer mine when he pulls away, placing more love bites over my chest. Then he moves his lips to my breasts, sucking and licking on them. I'm breathless, feeling the fluttering sensation in the pit of my stomach. He brings his lips back up to mine, giving me a small peck. Then he rests his head in the crook of my neck, smiling into my skin. I tangle my hands in his curls, kissing the top part of his ear.

'Come on, pretty. Let's have breakfast' I suggest.

He nuzzles his face further, gripping my waist tighter. I laugh at his little protest. Then kiss softly the outline of his ear.

'and morning sex after' I whisper.

He groans but rolls off of me, placing his hotel night gown on. I pull over his shirt that was thrown on the edge of the bed from last night.

'Harry-' I gasp when his hand smacks my ass.

'Sorry, I couldn't help myself' he defends himself.

Not moments later we're munching on fruit, croissants and drinking coffee.

'I wouldn't mind living here' I begin our breakfast conversation.

Harry quips his face up at me, raising a brow.

'Can you imagine living here?' I ask him.

He shakes his head, laughing. His hands hold mine and he brushes the pad of his thumb to the back of my hands.

'But London..' he replies.

I smile, remembering the first time moving into our new London home. It's not so big like all other celebrity houses. Looks pretty normal. But it's what we call home. Always will be.

'Remember when I pumped into you round the corner?' I ask him.

He hums, smiling at the thought.

'How I accidentally spilt my coffee over your white shirt. God that was shitty of me' I continue.

He lets out a laugh, remembering that moment. We both rounded a corner, colliding into each other.
My coffee spilled all over his shirt and I apologised profusely immediately. Then offered him coffee. Something on that day just clicked, like it was the right time and right place.

'Wouldn't trade our home for anything else. Not even this can compare to it' I admit.

'One day it'll be more than just us' he continues to massage my hand.

He leans into my ear.

'There'll be mini us too' he whispers.

I can't help the grin on my face. We've always be honest about our feelings. But we've never discussed the future. Knowing that Harry wants kids with me makes my heart swoon with pure joy. He lifts me up, holding onto my waist. I wrap my legs around his, tangling my hands through his curls. We stare at each other for a while before he gently places me on the bed, removing my shirt off. I do the same with his robe. He places his head in between my legs, pressing a soft kiss the inner corners of my thighs.

'Such a pretty sight' he compliments, making me blush.


'Haz, baby' I call out for him.

Interlacing our hands together, we walk through a market.

'I'm craving oranges' I confess.

We buy a few to eat along the way back to our hotel room. We rented bikes for the day and we're both exhausted.

'Can we come back here again?' I ask.

He nods his head, gripping his hand around my waist as he guides me to the bed.

'Whatever you want, love' he whispers.

That was our magical trip. No paparazzi or fans. No media talking about us. Just us two alone. Somewhere in Japan...

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