Don't hurt me

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Her breaths, staggering. Her heart, beating fast. She looks at her hands, eyes stinging with tears. Her lips quiver while her body shakes violently.

Her hands are covered in blood and broken shards, digging into her delicate skin. She winces, letting desperate whimpers echo through the kitchen.


'Don't you disobey me ever again' he pushes her to the floor.

She stumbles falling over previous broken glass.

'I'm s-sorry' she quivers, wincing at the pain in her hands.

Looking at it she gasps. Blood everywhere. Little shards stuck into her soft skin.

*end of flashback*

Her whimpers turned into uncontrollable tears. Her breathing accelerating much faster than before. Harry rushes in to find her crying on the floor. His eyes are flashing concern.

'Baby, what happened?' He asks, kneeling before her.

She shakes her head violently, backing away from him. Her eyes holding fear.

'Angel- ' he tries to comfort her.

She looks away from him, staring down at her wounded hands. He looks down too and sees her bloody hands.

'What happened, my love?' He asks.

His voice ever so gentle. She barely whispers 'I hurt myself', but he hears her choking words. Gently he picks her up, although she is shaking violently even more so than before. He whispers soothing words, carrying her to their en-suite bathroom where he pulls out the first aid kit.

'Let me clean your hands, darling' he pulls one hand over his, wiping away the blood.

She's letting out more tears, trying to hold them back. Her eyes looking away from him. She's surprised he's gentle and caring, holding her hands to his lips.

'S'alright' he coos.

With tenderness, he finally finishes cleaning her wounds and now cupping her face. His thumbs are wiping away her tears as he places a drawn-out kiss to her forehead. She begins to calm down, slowly. Her uncontrollable tears are now small sobs.

'Do you want to talk about it?' He asks her.

She shakes her head, taking in a long shaky breath. Her body relaxes under his touch, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

'You're okay, love' he whispers in her hair.

She stayed rested into his neck as he stood before her, holding her tightly.

'Can we stay like this for a while longer?' She asks, looking up at him.

Her glossy eyes stare at his, gripping onto the counter with her wounded hands as she anticipates for his answer.

'Please-' she's chokes.

He only cups her face, placing another drawn-out kiss to her forehead.

'Whatever you want' he mumbles through the kiss.

She feels butterflies erupting in the pit of her stomach, causing her to grin. Her hands immediately wrap around his torso, resting her head back onto his chest. Her fragile heart slowly syncing with his like they were made for each other.

'I'm s-sorry' her voice begins to crack.

More tears fall gracefully. Her lips are quivering once again. He tightens his grip on her, kissing the top of her head.

'Oh darling, this isn't your fault' he coos.

Her teary eyes look up at his. She's shocked that he hasn't once shouted at her. Or even touched her without gentleness. This action causes her eyes to tear up again, crying into the crook of his neck. Her lips manages to mumble incoherent words as she cries out. It's just enough for him to feel anger boil. He dips his head to look into her eyes.

'Darling, that's abuse' he tells her.

She shakes, crying harder. Her face collides with his chest as he pulls her to him. He's placing small shapes on her back, whispering softly.

'Shh, you're safe with me. I promise' his own voice chokes.

He can't hold back his own tears, letting them fall gracefully.

'Oh precious' he coos.

With shaky breaths, she grips her hands around him tighter. Her body is shaking violently. Eruptions of tears exploding. He can't do anything but hold her. Make her feel secure.

'I-I love y-you' she staggers through her tears.

'I love you too, precious' he whispers.

Her eyes grow heavy. Sighing, she rests her head on his shoulder again. Her heart beating the same time as his. He gently picks her up into his arms. His cheek is pressed against her head. His chest rising and falling in a calm manner to keep her relaxed. He walks over to their shared bedroom, tucking her under the covers. It's a simple gesture but for her it meant the world, knowing that there was at least one good guy. Him.

'Gonna marry you one day' he tells her.

Her face perks up, eyes looking deeply into his. She always envisioned a beautiful wedding.

'By the seaside?' She asks.

He chuckles, placing a sweet peck to her lips.

'Wherever you want baby' he pecks her lips once more.

He took care of her and she was beyond grateful to have him in her life. Always and forever.

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