'I was thinking...'

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Soft sounds of Vienna by Billy Joel was playing in the background. Your lips hum out the familiar tune, while you grade papers. The only light source coming from the coffee table beside the couch. Your finger gently pushes your glasses back up. The other moving hair out of your face. Harry had passed the hallway only to walk back and stop and stare. The sight of you making him smile. He notices the shirt you're wearing and fuzzy socks he bought you. He couldn't help but lean against the door frame and admire you.

'Hey love, want a green tea?' He asks softly, trying not to startle you.

It is the least he can do for you, seeing that you've been at it since 7pm and it's almost 10pm. Without even looking up, you whisper a yes, smiling widely at your adorable and most caring boyfriend. He leaves you be as he makes his way to the kitchen. When he comes back you're still at it. Writing away in red ink and crossing lines.

'Here' he whispers, handing you the warm mug.

It's warm and comforting. The feeling nice between your hands.

'Come sit' you usher.

He sits himself beside you, resting his head on your shoulder. With so much work, it's often stressful. But your thankful to have Harry I'm your life. You don't bother to finish the last two papers, opting to finish them tomorrow morning. Instead you face your boyfriend, resting your hands in his.

'I was thinking...' you ponder slightly.

This is something you've been thinking about lately and there's no better time than now to tell him. You rest your head on his chest as he tucks his hand under your shirt, rubbing soothing shapes on your back. A small hum falls from his lips and he lets his eyes close for a moment.

'I want to start a family' you whisper.

He didn't need to be convinced or ponder on the matter. Deep down he wanted that too. He nudges his nose against yours before kissing your lips gently.

'Me too butterfly' he smiles through the kiss.

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