I mi-miss you

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Bring tissues for this one because it's very sad. I don't think depression is talked enough on here so I thought I'd write an imagine about it. I might a series on this. Not sure.

Those were the three words he hated coming from your lips. It's 3:42 in the morning wherever he is and 12:42 back at home. His heart sinks. His chest feels tight. His breaths are unsteady. He knew exactly what was going on. Depression.

'Love, S'alright' he coos.

He hates being so far away from you. Not being able to hold you into his arms and kiss you Goodnight.

'I mi-miss you' you quiver.

He runs his hand through his hair, sighing.

'Y/N, baby. I miss you too' his voice chokes slightly.

You can't help but feel guilty for it, calling him at an ungodly hour. But he did promise to pick up the phone whenever you called. Even at one in the morning. If needs be.

'Sweetheart what's on your mind?' Harry asks, sitting himself on the edge of the bed.

He places his phone on the bedside table, putting it on speaker phone.

'I don't know' you simply reply.

Tears are falling uncontrollably. Your voice shaking through the other end of the phone. The phone stays quiet until Harry speaks up.

'There's a flight home tomorrow night. But it's late baby' he whispers.

You shake your head.

'Please Harry, there's no need for that' you assure him.

'But I'm worried' his voice chokes.

You can tell he's crying. His face is falling into his hands as he let soft tears fall.

'I- I just want you to be okay' his lips quiver.

His tears aren't silent anymore.

'Haz, baby don't cry. I'll be okay' you assure him.

Even though your hesitant yourself. He runs his hand through his hair again, letting out a shaky sigh.

'Just stay on the line with me. Okay love?' he's more so pleading now.

He's been pacing the room, biting at his nails. God he hated these moments. Hearing your broken voice from the other end of the line.

'Have you eaten anything today?' He asks.

'No' you barely whisper.

His heart sinks, racing, exploding through his chest. His breaths become unstable again. He lets out a few tears. Hopeless right now.

'Let me FaceTime you' he whispers.

When your face pops up on his phone, his face falls. Your pale face stained with tears, weakly smiles at him. He can see the baggy under eyes, messy hair. He can see the way you sit at the corner of the bed with your knees pressed to your chest. He can hear the shaky breaths your giving out.

'Please baby, you need eat something. Just for me' he begs.

Taking the phone in your hand, you quietly walk down stairs to the kitchen. Your stomach grumbling from hunger. Often in your depressed state you block out the outside world and lay still. Lifeless. That's just how your mind works.

'Haz, I'm sorry' you begin to cry again.

Your body is shaking and you take a minute to sit down. Harry really wanted to be home right now. He wanted to be holding you close. Whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Make you happy again.

'Oh love, there's no reason to apologise. This isn't your fault' he coos.

You can hear the shakiness in his voice. You can see the tears falling down his cheek.

'I wanna see you eat something. Can you eat something for me?' He asks.

You simply nod your head. The lights are low. But his eyes glisten to the sight of your side profile highlighted by the refrigerator light. God you're so beautiful to him. Just perfect. Even in this state. You take out the strawberries and begin to eat them. One by one.

'That's it baby, you enjoy them while I'll play a little tune, yeah?' He asks.

A smile appears on your lips and he can't help but smile too.

'It better be case of you' you let out a little laugh.

Harry eyes look back at the screen. He's smiling widely. His love, now much happier. He begins to strum his guitar while you eat for at least 20 minutes before you both decide to head to bed. You lay yourself on his side of the bed. A habit you do when he's away so you don't miss him that much.

'Feeling better baby?' He asks.

You simply giggle, nestling your face further into his pillow. The night ended with you finally asleep. Harry smiles to himself, happy that your okay. Every worry and doubts fading into the night and he eventually closes his eyes to sound of your soft snores.

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