Wasted time

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There I sat. Head low in my hands. My drink long empty. Just like the feeling in my heart. There's couples holding hands, people dancing and a few of sultry stares my way but I ignore them. I feel like a complete fool. Blind sided by the love that was there all along.

'Fuck Y/N. Can't you see. I'm in love with you but you're always hanging out with a new guy who don't give two shits about you' Harry chokes.

'I- Haz. I don't know what to say' I fumble with my words.

I've been too dumbfounded to realise or even acknowledge it. My heart begins to race. My eyes sting with tears.

'H- ' I begin but he cuts me off.

'Whatever. I'm leaving anyways' he huffs, walking away.

Truth is I've always loved him but the feeling scares me. I don't want to commit to something that might fall through the line. That might get lost in translation.

My drunk ass calls him and I know it's late but I need him to know. Understand why I hurt myself for him. The phone rings four times before he picks up.

'Y/N?' He groggily asks.

His husky voice echoes through the phone and I begin to cry.

'Hey, hey. What happened?' He asks.

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you' is the first thing I say.

Harry is quick on his feet, placing his shoes on and grabbing his keys.

'Where are you?' He asks.

I mumble something. Not sure what. To be honest I have no clue where I am.

'Harry- ' more tears begin to fall and I look up at the ceiling, trying to hold them back.

'I'm shit scared... scared of falling in love with you because I've always fallen in love too fast and then they break my fragile heart. Please Harry my heart is fragile' my eyes sting more than I thought it could.

My heart stings more than I thought it would.

'Y/N, baby' he whispers.

I can't help but shake my head sideways. As if he's here and I'm avoiding him but it's too late. My eyes lock with his. His figure standing by the entry way, looking for me. When he does, his face falls.

'Y/N, love' he coos.

I'm breaking on the inside. My heart shattering like glass. I turn my head away. My lips quivering from the constant tears falling. He simply places his hand under my chin, turning my head around.

'I know' he whispers softly and I fall into his warm embrace.

The tears staining his shirt. It's like this for a while until I pull myself together. I look up at him. His emerald eyes shining like stars.

'Precious, you deserve the world' he coos.

I cry harder when he uses that nickname. My mother used to call me that when I was little. He brings his lips to my hair, still holding me close. The feeling so safe. Like home.

'When your ready, I'll be here. But there's no need to be scared. Not with me. Not ever' he whispers.

I smile through his shirt, wrapping my arms tighter around him. It terrifies me so much. But what can I do. What can I say. I'm hopelessly falling for him.

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