All 4 nothing

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'So urmm, if we do it like this. Add some crazy riffs' Harry suggests, to his bandmates.

He didn't even notice you walk in. The upcoming film director for Harry's documentary. Of course you wanted to be a part of everything. The shows, interviews, studio time. The crazy fans, paparazzi and the all in between. You wanted to see first hand what Harry was like outside and inside of the spotlight.

'There's my girl' Harry calls out, slinging his arm casually around you.

It's no secret that you're dating too. Falling in love with each other throughout the making of this film.

'How's it going baby?' You ask, setting your camera down.

He leans his head on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you. Eyes slightly tired.

'M'tired' he whines.

You let out a giggle, rubbing his back to comfort his stress. Often times he would be worn out after a long day's work. Sometimes losing sleep, pulling an all nighter. Today is no different.

'Maybe it's time we head home. Finish this tomorrow. Yeah?' You suggest.

He shakes his head, nuzzling his nose against your neck. The feeling tingling in the pit of your stomach. Butterflies erupting and there's no way of stopping it.

'Come on Harry. Let's finish this tomorrow' Mitch whispers, holding Sarah close to him.

It's quiet for a few seconds until he finally agrees. Everyone leaves except for you and him, sitting on his lap as you both gaze at each other. It's been a long and tiring day but he doesn't want to go home just yet.

'Can I share you something?' He asks hesitantly.

you send him a sweet, encouraging smile, nodding your head. His hands move away from yours and he picks up his guitar, strumming a tune.

'It's a song I wrote, about you' he smiles, showing of his dimples.

Your eyes melt when he pours his heart out to the first verse. Feeling like your heart could explode any minute, you passionately kiss his lips. Your hands cup his cheeks and you whisper a 'I'm so in love'. His lips dances against yours. His hand trailing up and down your back.

'H, it's beautiful. I- I don't know what to say' you whisper.

Your head leans against his, hand softly playing with his curls. His hands are softly grazing your bare skin, eyes looking at yours.

'God I'm so in love' you whisper once more, smiling widely.

'Darling you don't know how much in love I am with you. It hurts to think about it' he whispers.

His hands finally trail up your thighs, a shaky breath coming from your already swollen lips.

'Fu-uck' you stutter slightly.


The traffic lights turn green and Harry moves his hand back on the steering wheel, eyes focused on the road ahead of him. Although he could see from the corner the flashing city lights highlighting your face perfectly. The music is blaring out Fleetwood Mac. The sun is slowly setting.

The car parks in front of the quiet beach. The waves crashing in a calm, soothing manner. Harry rests his head on your shoulder, snaking his arms around you from behind. Everything seemed to fit into place now that he met you. His future with you in it. His lips presses small love bites to your neck, leaving purple marks. Something he'll admire for later.

'I love you baby' he whispers through each kiss.

'I love you too' you whisper back.

The night ended so peacefully. Bodies touching. Lips hungrily kissing. Eyes lazily looking at each other. He can't help but admire his future. His heart melting. If this is what life feels like he doesn't want it to stop.

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