I mi-miss you part 7

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'H, darling' you shake him.

He stirs slightly, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

'What is it love?' He asks switching the light on.

He panics, holding his hand out for you and gently carrying you to the car. Although you were very heavy. He still manages to surprise you sometimes.

'Alright, just breath for me' he instructs before heading back upstairs to collect the bags.

'I can't do this, H' you cry, shaking your head.

'Darling, flower. I know you can' he encourages.

You've gone back into that black hole, fearing and worrying. Your mind fogging up with doubts. Harry gently squeezes your hand, bringing it to his lips. He begins the drive to the hospital.

'Look how far you've come. You should be so proud of yourself' he whispers, softly kissing each knuckle with care.

His eyes are fixed on the road but he glances at you for a moment. Eyes stinging with his own tears seeing you broken.

'I can't imagine how your feeling right now but please, darling... I love you' he chokes out.

You avoid looking at him. Instead watching the houses pass by, fading into nothing.

'I see so much tenderness and love in you and I know Ana is going to adore you just as much as I do' he says.

He's still holding your hands, kissing it softly to calm your tears.

'Haz, baby. There's no one quiet like you' you manage through tears.

You wanted, no needed to tell him what is going through your mind. He chuckles slightly, placing another kiss to your hand in appreciation.

'Ana is going to be so lucky to have you as a father' you crack out a smile.

The drive is shorter than expected and your quickly ushered to a room.

'You think you can do it baby. I'll hold your hand the whole time' he whispers.

You nod your head, looking softly up at him. He presses a kiss to your hair and the doctor gives you the go ahead. You begin to push, letting out piercing screams. Your holding Harry's hand for dear life. He presses another kiss this time to your forehead.

'That's it love, keep going' he encourages.

Everything becomes a blur. Tears clouding your vision. Harry encouraging you to push while you feel like your insides are exploding. Each push feels more painful than the other and you collapse your head on the pillow, pleading for it to stop.

'S'alright baby, we're almost there' he coos.

'Just one more push. Can you do that for us hun?' The doctor asks.

You nod your head. Sweat dripping from it. You push one more time, letting out your final scream when small wails echoes the room, drowning out your cries. Your exhausted. Happy but exhausted.

'So proud of you love' he kisses your sweaty forehead.

You close your eyes for a moment, taking in shaky breaths. Your world so much brighter, better when the nurse gives you Ana to hold. Harry had envisioned this day so clearly. A smile appearing on his lips as he watches you hold her with so much tenderness. Your hand softly brushes against her cheek. Tears falling softly.

'Mummy can be a right mess sometimes' you giggle, nudging your nose against hers.

She scrunches her face.

'But she loves you dearly. God she adores you' you smile.

'and I adore you love' Harry whispers.

You look up to see happy tears in his eyes. He mouths an I love you, blowing a kiss. You usher him over, making space for him to sit next to you. Your lips gently caresses his and you mumble an I love you back.


Harry coos, holding her in his arms as you let out light snores. The dim light highlighting your beautiful face. Although you looked like a right mess, hair scattered everywhere, he loved you so.

'Mummy and I are going to take good care of you' he smiles, nudging his nose against hers.

Just like you did earlier. The feeling of her warm skin against his chest, melts his heart. He's smitten and there's nothing he can do about it.

'We're gonna play princess. Have tea parties and paint our nails' he whispers excitedly.

You can't help but smile when you awake from your nap. Your heart melting. This is the man who helped you through your darkest moment. Guided you through the pain. Brought happiness in your life and now you get to share it with Ana too. Your little angel.

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