First ultrasound 💛🥺🌼

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Part 3 of the breeding kink/ whispers and comfort.

Their first ultrasound was such a mess. Sobs, wide grins and 'I love yous' that the nurse had to give them a minute or two. Even the ride home, he wouldn't stop grinning, tapping his fingers against the wheel while softly singing to 'landslide'. It couldn't be further from the truth those lyrics, afraid of changing, afraid of becoming a father because, well.. he never really had a proper father figure until Dez.. and that wasn't until his teens. (Pretend his biological father doesn't care for him for the sake of the story). He even voiced his concerns with her. 'I'm not going to fuck this up, like father did'. She held him close to her chest, softly stoking his curls. 'I couldn't imagine anyone else being the father of my children' and that broke him, a sobbing mess the whole night.

'Almost home, baby.. then we can cuddle' he tells her.. because lately that's all they've been doing.

So when they arrive back at home, he's quick to brush her of her feet, carrying her upstairs to their shared bedroom. She's laying with his head pressed gently to her belly, kissing it lightly as she strokes his curls.

'Hi there.. again. Can't wait to meet ya' he whispers in between kisses.

She's smiling softly at him, doe-eyes gazing at her love. He's so soft with tenderness, whispering softly to her baby bump.. and she can't imagine having it any other way.

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