Lazy mornings

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Harry stirred, eyes fluttering open slowly. They were met with the bright green-speckled gaze of his little angel.

'Hi, petal' he cooed, blinking the sleep out of his eyes.

Ana smiled her cute dimple smile, crawling on her hands and knees up his torso to his face. Her hands grabbed at his face, pinching his nose with her little fingers as she sits on his warm chest. She squeals with excitement, flailing her arms in the air. He untangled himself from under the sheets, holding her upper arms to keep her from falling over. His lips curled into a smile, staring softly at his bundle of joy.

'Did you sleep good?' he cooed, stroking her cheeks and brushing her wispy curls back.

She's showing off her toothy grin, giggling. Her hands braced over his face to hover over him. With that he nibbles away her tiny hand gripping his mouth for support, making her giggle. You appeared shortly after with a hoodie of his in your hand.

'S'okay if I wear this today?' you asked him.

A smile curled upon your face, seeing the most adorable sight in front of you.

'Wear whatever you want, love' he whispered.

He couldn't help but look between his two loves, finding some resemblance. Her light sage eyes identical to yours and her smile the same. She looked so much like you and he couldn't be more grateful for that.

'You look so much like your mother. S'not fair' he huffed, making her giggle.

She had taken interest in his chest tattoos which gave him the opportunity to pepper her forehead with little kisses. She left slobbery drool as she giggled madly from his puckering lips. The smacking sounds of his lips pressed to her soft skin caused her to squeal.

'Precious' you cooed, laying next to them.

Your hand ran softly through her curls and she looks up at you with curious eyes.

'My precious baby' you cooed again.

This time your awaiting for her to crawl over. She does, grabbing at your hair. You held her as she bobbed forward. She grabbed a fistful of your hair, placing it into her mouth. Giggles echoed through the room. Her wide eyes gazed at you.

This how you spent your lazy mornings, finally content with the little family you created.

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