Pillow talk

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This one's soft. Super fluff and soft. God I've been on a writers block but I'm back.

Your cheek is resting against his bare chest, your fingers lightly tracing his tattoos. First the G and A on his collarbone. He is definitely a mama's boy. A softie at heart. Then you begin your journey to his swallow tattoos, placing light kisses to each of them. His heart is beating fast with each touch. His breath slightly uneven as you continue your mission. Once admiring his swallows, your hand traces his butterfly tattoo. A rumble of laughter emit from his plumped lips and you look up at him, raising your eye.

'What?' You ask him.

'Tickles s'all' he simply replies, looking back down at you.

Small kisses are pressed to your forehead occasionally as you wander your hands everywhere, feeling every ink of his tanned skin. Your hands rest just above his ferns and he places his on yours, running along it.

'I can't believe your all mine, love' he whispers to your ear.

His other hand trails down your spine, softly tracing random shapes. He looks at you with love heart eyes, placing a long lasting kiss to your inviting lips.

'All mine' he repeats.

He can't quite believe after all these troubling years that he would find his one. You. The only person that matters to him in this world.

'And I can't believe your all mine' you whisper, placing sweet kisses in between his knuckles.

It's a lazy Sunday morning. The sun is slowly peaking through the linen curtains, leaving a soft glow across the walls.

'And I can't believe we're actually doing this' you smile.

Your hand begins to fiddle with his fingers, letting out a shaky laugh.

'I see the way you take care of my nephews and nieces. Makes me feel all soft' he smiles through a loving kiss pressed to your forehead.

His hands grip your waist tightly, securing you into his warm embrace.

With one small scream, you turned around to find Harry's nephew crying on the floor. Harry was busy talking with his family when they all turned their heads. You let them know you'll handle it and make your way to him. Scooping him up in your arms. You gently spoke to him.

'What happened peanut?' You ask him.

'I-I tr-tripped' he lets out sobs.

You gently sway him in your arms, whispering softly that everything will be alright.

'Now show me where it hurts' you ask him.

He points to his knee where it's scraped. You kiss his knee tenderly before making your way to the kitchen. His still hiccuping while sobbing and your heart sinks. Finally you find the first aid kit and pull out a plaster.

'Look, it's paw patrol' you show him.

He stops crying, looking at the plaster.

'Who's your favourite character?' You ask him, while peeling the plastic from the plaster.

'Rocky's my favourite' he lets out small hiccups.

Harry watched from the garden, smiling widely.

'Better start that family soon' Gemma speaks.

Harry can't help but grin wider at the idea. He always wanted children with you. But this just confirms it.

When you both began your journey home, he whispered 'I want a baby with you now. I need to put a baby in there'. His hand rested onto your stomach and your body fluttered from the feeling.

'Fuck' you shakily breathed out.

Things became heated after that. Clothes were thrown on the floor all the way leading to the bedroom. He picks you up, gently laying you down.

'Gonna make love to you' he whispers, hovering above you.

'If it's a boy?' You ask him.

He places a kiss to your forehead.

'I'll teach him how to respect a woman. How being yourself is okay no matter what others think of you' he whispers.

'And if it's a girl' you ask him, kissing each knuckle with tenderness.

'Paint her nails, dress up, tea parties. I'll teach her how strong she is. Teach her to be herself and not let any man take advantage of her' he smiles thinking about it.

He always wanted a girl. Ever since the day he knew he wanted kids. But he didn't mind a boy either. As long as they were strong and healthy.

He lets go of your hold, hovering over you. His nose softly nudges yours. His lips gently pressing on yours with tenderness.

'I can picture you already pregnant' he smiles through the kiss.

You tangle your hand through his curls, smiling through the kiss too.

'Beautiful, stunning. You're still going to take my breath away. Just like the first time I met you' he whispers in your ear.

You blush into his chest, kissing it softly. Forever and always will he have your heart.

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