she's a flower for the play

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soft hands are around your waist as he rests his head over your shoulder.

'there's our precious' he smiles in the softness of your skin.

and you smile too, holding onto his hands and massaging them. your angel, standing at the back of the stage is dancing in a flower costume. the play.. 'Alice In Wonderland'. she had been excited about it all week, mumbling 'imma be a flower' 'jus' like this one mama.. that's me'. you couldn't help but brush your thumb over her cheeks and kiss her nose. 'gonna be the prettiest flower, lovebug'.

he can't help that slight squeeze in his heart, the proudest dad in the entire world.

'we created that' he points softly to his little girl.

she's dancing and singing in ballet shoes, smiling widely when she sees you. and honestly it's the cutest sight to see. hands waving in the air as she calls out a 'mummy.. daddy'. you can't help but laugh at your little bundle of joy, holding one hand to your chest where the heart is.

'she's our precious baby' you coo.

when the show is over, she skips along the isle. her curls bouncing around. she's giggling, reaching her hand out and Harry picks her up in his arms, peppering her with kisses.

'prettiest flower' he coos.

with tenderness, he brushes her curls out of her face.

'did so good lovebug' you smile, also reaching to cup her cheeks.

your thumb brushes against her cheek, her head tilting to rest on his shoulder.

'tired angel?' he asks, pressing a drawn-out kiss to her forehead.

she simply nods, letting out the cutest yawn. you say goodbye to the other parents, saying how good their kids were before making your way back home. it's only five minutes away.. so he's carrying his sleeping baby all the way home. then persuades her to brush her teeth and wear her jammies.

'night, angel' he coos.

and you whisper a Goodnight too, placing a final kiss to her hair.

'night.. night' she mumbles.

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