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Pallavi took bag and turned to leave and saw Raghav standing there leaning towards the door with a smug smile.
"Mīru nā kōsaṁ eduru cūstunnārā?" (Were you waiting for me?)Raghav asked her.
"Me kashala tujhi waat baghu?"(Why would I wait for you?)Pallavi replied.
(Here Pallavi understands a bit of telugu.)
"Ēmi?"(What?) Raghav asked being confused because the language was completely foreign to him. He made a mental note to learn Marathi so that he can know if she is cursing him or not.
"I meant why would I wait for you ?" Pallavi said in a sassy tone.
"Then why are you here for the past 45 minutes?" Raghav countered.
"I came just to thank you for saving my life that day." Pallavi replied honestly.
"Then do that and leave." Even though he wanted her to stay there for a bit he said that because he did not want her to think that he was also wanting to meet her.
"I will but not before giving what I bought for you." She was annoyed with him showing tantrums but did not want to waste the paysam that she made. She knew that if she took it to DSE Krishna would come to know and would tease her again.
"What is it now?" He sounded mad however, he was excited to know what she bought for him. It had been years since somebody had gifted him something.
"Actually I got to know that you love Paysam a lot and I had learnt it from my friend Keerti's mom a long time ago so, I made it for you. I know it is a very small thing for a big businessman like you who can have whatever he wants  but I cannot afford all those big branded stuff. Also, the things that you do by your own self have their own value." Pallavi said genuinely. She knew that he lived alone in this big mansion and had no one who would care for him. He must be missing home made food. This was the primary reason that she made paysam which is an authentic South Indian dessert for him which she knew that no South Indian could deny.
"You really made this Paysam just for me?" He asked shocked.
"Thank you so much Saree Ka Dukaan. You don't know how much I was craving for this. It's been weeks since I last had this. I don't remember the last time I had it. Thank you so much. Please give it to me fast." At this point,  Raghav had forgotten what his equation with her was. What he cared was only the Paysam and that too made by his mother's recipe.
Pallavi on the other hand was surprised to see his child like form. She couldn't belive that he is the same man who was the DON of Hyderabad. Putting this thoughts aside she took out the tiffin from her bag but the paysam had cooled down till now and it is usually served hot.
"I know that you are eagerly waiting to eat it but it has become cold thanks to you that you took so long. You can heat it in the microwave and eat it later in your lunch time. I will take your leave now." Pallavi said.
"I will ask Reddy or Rama to heat it and then we can eat it together. " He tried to stop her as he was truly overwhelmed by her gesture and wanted to share it with her. "Please" he insisted again.
"Okay" She could not resist his puppy face and agreed.
Meanwhile, he called Rama to take the Paysam to heat it and transfer it to 2 bowls.
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds when she spoke breaking it.
"I never knew that the so called 'HYDERABAD KA DON' has a weak point." She said air quoting Hyderabad ka Don.
"Firstly, I am not the so called Don. I really am the Don of Hyderabad. " He said proudly.
"Phuski Bomb" She muttered under her breath.
Ignoring her comment, he continued, "Secondly, even though I am the Don, I am a human also and everyone has a weak point."
"Thirdly, you don't even know me that well that you will know these details about me." He said .
In return Pallavi just nodded as it was true that she did not know him that well and also because she did not know how to react to this.
Rama came with the bowls and placed it in front of the them. He was shocked to see his boss smiling for the first time while meeting Pallavi. He left after keeping the bowls on the table.
"Why are there two bowls?" Pallavi questioned amused.
"Then do you want to eat from the same bowl and spoon as me?" He asked with a flirty smile. Seeing her amused expression he decided to tease her further. "Honestly,  I don't have a problem. You bought me my favorite Paysam so I don't mind fulfilling this small fantasy of yours."He again spoke with a flirty smile.
"Eat or the Paysam will turn cold again."She said trying to change the topic as she knew if he spoke further her face would turn bright red because of blushing.
"Yes. You also start." He insisted.
"No, I bought this for you so you enjoy."
"Pallavi, I have been living in this mansion for the past 2 years all by myself. You might have seen that there is no one here except me and my staff. There is no one who prepares food for me lovingly. Forget preparing food with love and care there is no one with whom I can atleast share the food that my staff has made. You are the first one in years who has actually made something for me with your heart. So, could you please wait. "He wanted her to be with him at this moment. He was surprised with himself for letting out so much of information.
"OH MY GOD!!!! AM I DREAMING???" She almost screamed.
"The so called Don of Hyderabad is being polite with me and on the top of that he is also requesting me. Now toh I need to wait and have this Paysam with you because not everyday do you get to see the Don of Hyderabad requesting you for something." She said sarcastically just to lift his mood. Seeing him sad made her sad too unknown to herself.

Author's Note - Hope you all like this chapter. I always loved their Telugu Marathi banters so, I included it in this chapter. I will try to write more Telugu and Marathi from next time so as for you all to connect with them more. The next few chapters will be just Raghvi and then after that the other characters will also be included.

Date - 20th April 2022.

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