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It was the first time that Raghav was going on a vacation with someone. When he had a family, their financial condition wasn't stable and they couldn't afford vacations and when he finally became financially stable he had no one who would accompany him. Of course he had travelled to Thailand and Bangkok but it was solo trip. Other than that, whichever places he travelled were related work related only. This being his first vacation with his lady love accompanying him made him excited.

"Hi babes!!" Raghav said after Pallavi answered his call.

"Raghav, it's literally 2 in the night. How the hell are you still awake?" Pallavi said annoyed.

"I am just too excited for our mini trip!!"

"Ohh God, Raghav!! I am hearing this for the past 3 days that you are very excited for our trip and I also understood the intensity of your excitement, then why have you called me at 2 in the night to tell me the same thing?" 

"Actually, I wanted to ask that if we could go shopping tomorrow." Raghav asked as he couldn't think of any other excuse and if he again told her that he was excited she would surely beat him up the next time they meet.

"From when did you get so excited about shopping?"

"Just now. I mean, now that we are going to a resort, you would surely not wear a saree right? You would want to go and buy some casual clothes for yourself so, I was just asking if you needed help." Raghav covered up.

"Yes. I have to go for shopping but, I am taking Mansi and Keerti with me."

"It means you don't need me to come."

"No. The only thing you do while shopping is sit on the chair and scroll through your phone. I don't want to waste that chair on a guy who has no contribution in my shopping."

"Please baby."

"No. End of Discussion." Pallavi said and hanged up.


The next day both of them met at their regular spot. Pallavi looked a little disturbed while Raghav was all excited.

"Why do you look disturbed?"

"The reason is you Mr. Raghav Rao."

"Me? What did I do?"

"You disturbed my sleep and after that I couldn't sleep properly."

"Babes, we are going on a trip after 2 days and you are concerned about your sleep, seriously?"

"You mean that if I am going on a vacation then I should be a sleepless soul?"

"NO. Actually, you should go and sleep extra because, I don't think I'll let you sleep on our vacation." Raghav said making Pallavi blush.

"Btw, have you packed your bags?" Raghav asked diverting the topic.

"Will do that today."

"Shall I help you?"

"No, Thank you." 


It was finally the day when they were going to the trip. Pallavi got ready in a dark blue floral knee length dress with a denim jacket on it. She straightened her hair and divided it into two parts pinning her flicks with bobby pin. On the other hand, Raghav got ready in a light yellow color t-shirt and paired it with dark blue trousers. 

Raghav reached near the corner of Pallavi's lane to pick her. Pallavi was already waiting for him there but, there was one more person with her which he did not expect. It was Nikhil, who was looking at them playfully.

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