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Eternal Souls is finally completed and I want to thank you all for being with me throughout this journey. Honestly, I never expected that so many people will like what I am writing but, you all proved me wrong with all the likes and comments on every part of the story. Whenever I read the comments on the chapters, I feel so satisfied with the kind of response you guys have given and also how involved you were in the story. The comments have always given me the motivation to write and also to improve myself with each chapter. So, Thank you so much for all the love and support. I will always cherish the love and support that you all have given me through your DM'S and comments❤️.

Also, what a coincidence that the last part of this book is on the same day as the last episode as MHRW. Trust me, I had not planned this 🥺❤️.

Before I officially complete this book, I want to inform you that I'll be back soon with something interesting. So, Stay Tuned for that✌🏻.

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