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Raghav heard how Pallavi was praising Advay and was a little jealous. To avoid Pallavi from speaking anything further, he pressed the horn indicating Pallavi to come and sit in the car. Pallavi couldn't understand his indication and kept on praising Advay, which was obviously fake but, Raghav did not know it. Raghav was so done with the whole praising drama and finally spoke angrily.

"We don't have the entire night to keep waiting. We have a dinner to go. Keerti and Farhad might have reached there. If you are done, can we please go?" Raghav asked trying his best to hide his anger.

"Yes. Sorry." Pallavi said and sat in the car.

"Will meet you tomorrow." Pallavi said to Advay as they were leaving.

The whole car ride was silent. Raghav was too angry to speak anything. Pallavi knew about his anger and to not pick any fights with him on his birthday she kept quiet. They soon reached the restaurant. Raghav asked Amma and Pallavi to proceed while he parks the car. Amma went towards the entrance while Pallavi followed Raghav's car till the parking.

"What has happened to you? Why do you seem so lost?" Pallavi asked as Raghav got down the car.

"Everything's fine." Raghav replied blankly.

"Raghav, I know you really well so, don't try to fool me with these lies. Tell me what is bothering you?" Pallavi asked crossing her arms to her chest.

"I told you it's nothing." 

"Did I do something wrong? Is my behavior bothering you or anything like that?" Pallavi took his hands in her own hands which were pulled away by Raghav.

"Tell me what's wrong and maybe we can find a solution." 

Raghav grabbed her hand and pinned her to his car. Keeping his hand on her waist he pulled her close to himself, only to smell the scent of her shampoo.

"Raghav..." She called out meekly.

"Hmmm...." He replied still in trance.

"Are you okay?"

"I am not. Only I have the right to be this close to you and touch you. No one else has that right. Especially that Advay. You can only praise me and not someone else. You can't just speak or even think about another man when I am around. Praising is a different thing. You will only think about me and not anyone else. I did not say anything about your bike ride but your proximity with him does affect me. I don't like it when you touch some other man. From next time, if you have any issues, you will call me and wait for me. I'll come for you or will arrange something but, you won't go to that Advay, Ardhamainda?" Raghav spoke with jealousy and insecurity dripping in his voice. The way he spoke with burning eyes sent shivers down Pallavi's spine. She couldn't believe that her coming with Advay had irked Raghav to this extent. She also remembered how she praised Advay in front of Raghav and instantly knew that it had affected him more and hence the reaction. Instead of arguing with him, she decided to comfort him.

"Raghav, don't get so hyped up!" She had barely completed her sentence when he hit the car with his fist causing her to widen her eyes in fear.

"I am not getting overhyped. I am extremely possessive of whatever is mine and I don't share it with anyone even a bit. It would be better if you understand this and behave accordingly." Raghav spoke with gritted teeth looking at her intensely.

"Please calm down a bit. Don't overthink about this. I won't go anywhere but for now, can we please go inside. Amma, Keerti and Farhad must be waiting for us." She said and he held her hand in his and started walking toward the entrance. He stopped in between and placed a kiss on the back of her hand and then continued walking. 

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