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It was a new day for Pallavi. She woke up with a determination that she wanted to meet Advay. She got up to do her regular morning routine when Raghav video called her. She picked up the call with a big smile on her face.

"Hello." She said.

"Hii." He said making a sad face.

"What happened? Why does your mood seem so off?"

"We won't be able to meet today. I've to go to Warangal for a meeting and I'll return late." He said making a puppy face.

"It's okay, baba. It is just a matter of 1 day. We will meet tomorrow." She said.

"Yes. But, I'll miss you."

"Don't be a cranky baby now. Go and attend your meeting." 

"I thought you'll give me a flying kiss."

"I'll give you a proper kiss after you come but, for now attend your meeting." 



Pallavi was in her shop thinking about a plan to trap Advay.

"I won't spare you. Last time, you fled away but this time I ain't letting you go until I get my answers." Pallavi thought to herself.

Krishna entered the small cabin to inform her that Akhil was here to meet her.

"Why is he here?" Pallavi asked.

"I don't know, didi. He said that he wants to have a word with you."

"Send him here itself."

Akhil entered the cabin and Pallavi asked him to make himself comfortable on the chair.

"Actually, I wanted to discuss something about the collaboration."

They went on to discuss something about the project when Akhil's phone pinged with a message which changed the expressions on his face.

"Is everything alright?" Pallavi asked seeing his change in expressions.

"Everything's okay." Akhil avoided the topic and they continued with their work. It was now time for him to leave.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes...I mean No. It's my sister's birthday next week and we are going for a long vacation so, I want to complete maximum work before getting there. So, I wanted to ask if we could start the work today itself?" Akhil asked.


"Yes. Is there any issue?"


"Okay then. Let's go."

Both of them went to his office where the team was waiting for them including Advay. He saw Pallavi and was shocked to see her. Akhil introduced her to everyone.

"Hello, Advay. Great to meet you again." Pallavi said with a big smile on her face.

"Hi. Nice to meet you, again." Advay said and everyone headed to the working area. 

"I am 100% sure." Advay whispered on the call.

"She said nice to meet you again which means she was referring that we met in the hospital for the first time and this was our second meeting. If Pallavi would have recognized me then, she would have never been so calm. She would have punched me like I was a punching bag." Advay told the person on the other end.

"Fantastic!!! He still remembers what I am capable of doing. I'll prove my capabilities to you, Mr. Advay Kulkarni. Just wait and watch." She thought to herself and resumed working.   

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