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"Thank God!! You apologized to Akhil. He seemed to be really pissed off by you."

"Of course he was pissed off. If someone did this on my set, I would have probably killed that person. Akhil's reactions were still very subtle."

"Btw, why were you here? Did something happen?" Pallavi asked worried.

"I need to tell you something." Raghav then told her whatever happened. "I was just worried that if that Sidhwani does anything to you."

"That's the reason you panicked?" She asked and he nodded. She gave him a tight hug and a small peck on his cheek. "But, I don't understand one thing that, why would he harm me?"

"Pallavi, you don't know these businessman. They do all sort of pathetic things to get what they want and that's why I was worried. I don't know how Sidhwani actually is and would he try to do something to you but, I don't want to take any risk. When I started my business, I had a similar experience and that businessman tried to harm Amma and Keerti so, that's the reason why I panicked. I don't want anything to happen to you. I did not even tell him that I am seeing someone but, that smart ass figured it out by the ring you gave. I am sure he would have told his men to find out information about you."

"Raghav, calm down. Nothing is going to happen to me and even if he tries to do anything, I won't let him do that because now I am strong enough to protect myself." Pallavi assured.

"I know Pallavi but, I don't want to take any risk."

"I understand."

"I'll drop you home." Ragahv said and held Pallavi's hand.

"I have my scooter with me. You can follow my scooter if you want because I can't just leave it here."

"Okay then. I'll ask the driver take my car home and I'll come with you."

"You'll sit on my scooter? Are you sure Mr.Rao? Isn't it too small for you?"

"Anything for you my love."

"Stop being so cheesy!!" Pallavi said as she started her scooter. Raghav sat behind her wrapping his hands around her waist. Pallavi slapped his forehand so as for him to take off his hand but, he remained unaffected.

Pallavi was riding her scooter when a car came in front of her blocking her way. Both of them kept a calm face as they had half expected that Sidhwani will try to do something. Sidhwani got out from his car to meet Pallavi but, then saw Raghav and his facial expressions changed from smirk to a smile.

"What a surprise, Mr. Rao. I did not expect you to be here." He said suppressing his anger. He had a perfect plan set to talk to Pallavi about her relationship with Raghav but, alas, he couldn't do it now.

"I can say the same about you. I mean, why would you come here alone that too at a time where you might be having some meetings." Raghav asked with a smirk on his face and Sidhwani was tongue tied.

"I actually wanted to go somewhere and my driver told me that this was a  shortcut but, I couldn't find the main road so, as soon as I saw this scooter, I came to ask for help."

"Ohh, I see. Let me help you then." Raghav said coming closer to him.

"Btw, who is this young lady with you?" Sidhwani asked trying his luck, if by any chance Raghav tells him anything.

"You'll come to know soon, Mr. Sidhwani. For now, let me help you with the address." Raghav said and gave him directions.

They reached D-House and it was time for Pallavi to leave.

"Ruko na." Raghav said.


"Abhi tak mera driver nahi aaya hai toh mereko rukna padega. Akela ruk ke kya karega? Tum bhi ruk jao na."

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