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The next few days went in investigation of the case. Pallavi gave her statement. Anjali was also caught with the help of the private detective and was made to tell the truth. It was finally revealed that she was not involved in this alone. A very close friend of her, Esha Madhawan, who happens to be Raghav's ex was the one who helped her in clicking the pictures of Raghav and her in those intimate position. The case was finally solved and all the misunderstandings were cleared.


As Raghav had promised to himself that if Pallavi was not guilty,  he would apologize and also transfer the shop to her name he did that. He had started the legal process of transferring the shop to her name. The apology was only left.
He decided to write a letter to her as it was impossible for him to complete his apology in front of her.

Dear Saree Ka Dukaan,
I know you must be thinking why am I writing a letter to you . It is because I know that you won't let me complete what I want to speak if I personally come and say that to you and we would end up arguing again. I honestly don't want that.
All of our enemity started because of that misunderstanding and now it is cleared. I have tortured you a lot and I am really sorry for that. I am also transferring the shop to your name as there is no point of keeping it now. You are free to do whatever you want and I will not persuade you to leave Hyderabad.
We will have to meet a few times for the agreement and all the other legal process and that's it.
Hope our paths never cross in life and even if they do there won't be any misunderstandings between us.
Yours annoyingly,
Ghamandi Rao.
He placed it in an envelope and sent it to her shop.


It was normal day at shop for her. Since the challenge she had been working extra hard. She wanted to win this challenge.
She was packing the sarees for one of the orders she received through Instagram. That's when Krishna came to her with an envelope. Krishna gave it to her and said that Raghav had sent it. Krishna went back to do her work.
Pallavi read the the letter and was very happy that she would finally get the shop. Now, everything was okay. All the tension of loosing the shop had gone away and finally, she will be able to live her normal life. Still, something felt incomplete. She would miss fighting with her Ghamandi Rao. She would miss his sarcastic remarks on anything that she did. She will miss his Ardhamainda. In short she will miss him a lot. As soon as the thought came to her mind she brushed it off. Going separate ways and not crossing paths with each other was the best for both of them she thought and sighed.
She went home and told everyone the entire truth (from hiding the losses till the clearing of misunderstandings). They were a bit unhappy that Pallavi went through all this alone but at the end everyone was happy that they got the shop except Amruta and Sulochana. They had an ice cream party to celebrate this.


Keerti was a close friend of Pallavi who supported her throughout the rough patch. She also helped with the accounts of the shop. She kind of knew the whole matter(ofcourse Pallavi's side of the story). Pallavi was unaware of the fact that she was Raghav's sister.
The next day Pallavi went to Keerti's house to give her this good news. Amma was also present there.
"Finally we got the shop Keerti!!! I am so happy. Also, the shop is in profit this month. It is just mid month and it is going in profit." Pallavi gave the good news to Keerti and amma together.
"Congratulations beta!!" Amma congratulated her.
"That's a really big thing Pallu. How did this happen? And how did that Raghav Rao transfer the shop to your name?" Keerti asked being genuinely happy for her friend.
"That's a long story. Will tell you some another time. For now, I have bought sweets. Let's enjoy that."
"Sure. But, why some another time? We have time today. It's Monday and the shop is also closed so you are not in a hurry and I also have my weekly off today. So tell me how did that idiot fellow give you the shop." Keerti asked curiously as she wanted to know what happened that her brother gave the shop so easily to Pallavi.
Even Amma was curious to know and insisted Pallavi to tell the whole matter.
Pallavi told everything from start to the end and Amma was almost in tears while listening to what her son went through all these days. She excused herself and went to bring the sweets.
Pallavi and Keerti were having their regular chit-chat session while having the sweets and snacks.
After sometime Pallavi went back home.

Keerti had also become emotional listening to all this. More than emotional she was angry on that one person who hid everything from her.
She was angry on herself also for not believing on her brother and for not being there for him in these times.

Author's Note - Esha Madhawan is the most hated character ever. The wish to see her in jail was unfulfilled, thanks to our very own producer. But, don't worry she is in jail now and won't come in Raghvi's way as of now 🥳.
I just wanted to clear a few things here. The entire deshmukh family except Sulochana and Amruta is positive here. I purposely kept Baba positive because I feel that he was always a positive character who really loved Pallavi as his own daughter but was blinded by his hate for Raghav and then the makers turned him into a grey character.
Also, it is for you all to guess who Keerti is angry with? Do tell me what you think about this chapter in the comments. Will be waiting for them.

Date - 24th April 2022.

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