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It had been more than an hour that Raghav had gone and Pallavi was eagerly waiting for him to return. In the back of her mind, she was praying to her Bappa that Raghav doesn't do something idiotic just to prove that he is interesting. While she was lost in her thoughts, her phone rang displaying his name on the caller id.


"Listen, I'll be reaching our hotel in the next 5 minutes so, take your sling bag and pack swimming costumes for the both of us and the other necessary things. Also, get ready quickly because, we've to leave." He said and hanged up not giving her a chance to respond. Pallavi did as he told her to. She was packing her bag when Raghav entered the room, took his clothes and directly headed to the washroom to change.

"Are you done with the packing?" He asked while keeping his clothes in the bag.

"Yes. Just checking if I've taken everything. Btw, where are we going?"

"You'll know soon." He said and took the bag on his shoulder and told her to follow him. They sat in the car and Raghav started driving. The entire car ride was silent as whenever Pallavi tried asking him he ignored her question. After around 15 minutes, they reached a private villa. Raghav got down the car and opened Pallavi's side of the door giving her a hand to get down.

"Oho!! Such a Gentleman!! I am impressed." 

"Of course, I am. Looks like you realized it late." Raghav said smirking and led her inside the villa. The villa was exceptionally beautiful but, Raghav did not let her admire the beauty and took her to the backyard which had a small tent enough to accommodate the both of them. The tent was white in color with fairly lights around it. In front of the tent was a small dinner table with two chairs opposite to each other. The table had an ice box which had a champagne bottle while two wine glasses were set on the table. What she failed to notice all the while admiring the decorations was that there was a swimming pool at a distance. He slowly took her hand in his and led her to the swimming pool. 

"You go and change and then we'll get down in the pool." He said and she went into one of the rooms to change. She came out wearing a nylon t-shirt and a three fourth pant below it. Keerti and Mansi had suggested her to take a monokini if not bikini but, she said she wasn't comfortable wearing it in the resort and now she regretted not taking it as now she was with Raghav alone. She walked in the pool area where Raghav was standing back facing her. 

"Raghav." She called out and he turned around showing his perfectly chiseled abs. Pallavi was lost in the sight and did not respond when Raghav called her.

"Stop staring at me warna mereko najar lag jaayega." He said in her ears huskily and that's what bought her back in the real life.

"Tum itne hot dikh rahe ho toh what do you expect me to do?" She said pulling him into a kiss. Raghav held her waist with his one hand and started walking behind. He stopped at a point where he felt was the edge of the pool and jumped in the pool backwards making them fall in the pool with a thud. Raghav broke the kiss when they were in the pool but, Pallavi wanted more and started kissing his face while Raghav roamed his hands on her body. After a while of continuing their work, Raghav made her face him and took her in for a kiss.

"That was hot!!" Pallavi commented.

"Do you want more?" He asked seductively, leaning to attack her neck with his mouth while she moaned his name in pleasure.

"Answer my question, babygirl. Do you want more?"

"Ye...ss" Pallavi said trying to control her moans. He gave a smile listening to that and continued his assault on her neck making her shiver with pleasure. 

"Let's swim." He suggested as he saw all the love bites on her neck and thought that it would be too much for her. They swam for some time and got back to their rooms to change. As Pallavi entered the room, she saw a box kept on the bed which had a letter saying, 'Open Me.' Pallavi was excited to see what was there in it and opened the box to see a beautiful backless black dress. She got ready in the dress and saw Raghav already waiting for her.

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