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"So, you were going to double cross Shinde?" Pallavi asked.

"Yes. I had even spoken to the tailor. There was a cut on the dress which would come on your waist. I showed Shinde the dress that I have made the dress a little tight on that part and when you wear it, it will come apart. I thought that he is convinced because he transferred the money but, little did I know that he was keeping a watch on me. I showed him that dress and went to the tailor to correct the dress and that's when his men caught hold of me."


"You think that you'll trick me into believing that you have done my work?" Shinde said as he slapped Advay across his face. "I very well know people like you. I knew that you would try to play games with me and you did the exact same thing." Shinde put him in his car and asked his driver to take him to his office.

Once in the office, Shinde's men beat Advay black and blue.

"Have you changed your answer or you want to get beaten up more?" Shinde asked gripping his hair in a painful grip.

"I am ready to do whatever you tell me."

"Okay. Now, go to the tailor and ask him to not make any changes. You will take the dress and give it to me." Shinde ordered and Advay nodded his head.

"Dare you tell this to anyone!!" Shinde warned. 


"Why did you not tell this to me?" Pallavi asked trying to grasp this new information.

"Shinde had planted his men around me. They used to keep a watch on everything I did. Whenever I came to meet you, they used to stand nearby and listen to our talks. Every time there were new people so that you don't get suspicious." Advay told her.

"I never knew any of this. I thought that you had done some mistake while getting the dress made." Pallavi said.

"Pallavi, there's more to it. You remember you were trying to find the culprit?" 

"And you refused to help me." Pallavi taunted but, soon realized it and covered up. "I mean now I know why you refused."

"I did refuse at the start but, then I came with you to file a complaint."

"I remember that very well and honestly, I wanted to complain because, I was suspicious from the start that you are not at fault and there is someone else behind it."


"This guy had the guts to go against me!!! Even after all the trashing he has the guts to go and complain against me along with that 2 rupees model." Shinde roared. 

After Pallavi and Advay had registered the FIR about this entire scenario, the police informed this to Shinde as Advay took his name once in a slip of tongue. The police knew that Shinde was not just a normal politician but also the mayor of the city who was extremely corrupt and a complain against him will lead them 10 feet under the ground.

After knowing this, Shinde was furious. He never expected someone as timid as Pallavi to go and complain about him. He for once understood that if she had dared to complain against him then she will not sit quiet and dig deep into the matter. He immediately ordered his men to find each and every detail about Pallavi. As soon as he got the information, he knew what he had to do. He immediately called Advay to his office and he finally came after a lot of threats.

"Yaa Yaa Advay Saheb!!" ( Come here Advay Sir) Shinde said sarcastically and gestured Advay to sit on the sofa beside him. As Advay sat, he put a hand around his shoulder.

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