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"Sir, actually, I wanted to tell you something. Before someone else comes and tells you about it, I want you to know what really happened."

"Akanksha, what have you done that you are so scared?" Raghav asked.

"Sir, actually, today when Mr. Sidhwani was waiting in the lounge area, he asked me who was there in your cabin."

"And you told him who it was?" Raghav asked angrily getting up from his chair.

"No, Sir. That's what I wanted to tell you. I did not tell him who it was. He was trying to pressurize me but, when I did not say anything he kind off got angry. He did not show his anger but, it seemed like he was pissed. I wanted to inform this to you before he does so that, there's no misunderstanding."

"Thank you so much for letting me know. You can get back to work. Also, don't worry, even if he tells me something against you, I won't fire you." Raghav assured her with a smile.

"Thank You Sir!!" She said and went back to work.

"What if that Sidhwani does something to Pallavi? She needs to be careful. I need to inform her. Before that, I'll ask Farhad to track that Sidhawni." Raghav thought to himself and told Farhad to track him and then called Pallavi but, she did not answer his call as she was busy.

"What if that Sidhwani does something to Pallavi? I can't put her life in risk because of me. Shit!!!! I can't let anything happen to her. I'll go to the studio." He said to himself but soon realized that he did not know which studio she was in. He then contacted Prachi to ask her but, even she did not answer his call. He had only one option now that was to call Advay.

"Hello Advay. Is Pallavi there? Also, can you text me the studio name." Raghav asked a soon as Advay answered the call. Advay immediately texted him the studio name.

"She was here a few minutes back but, now I don't know where she is because, she went to the other side of the set near the girls compartment."

"Okay. By any chance, could you hand over her the call. I need to speak to her."

"Actually, men are not allowed there but still, I'll try." Advay said and went to check but, couldn't as there was a rush there.

"Are you on the line?" Raghav asked.

"Yes but, I'll hang up now coz there seems to be some issue." Saying this Advay hung up, unaware of the storm that he created in Raghav's mind. As soon as Raghav heard it, he rushed down the stairs into the parking. Taking out his car, he sped up towards the studio. It wasn't quite far away and Raghav reached in around 5 minutes. He threw his car keys to the watchman asking him to park the car while, he rushed towards the floor where Pallavi was working. 

As he reached there, he saw a lot of people rushing here and there busy in their own worlds. He asked a few people where Pallavi was but, none of them answered. That was it!! He lost his patience, he ran around the entire set finding the girls compartment. The female volunteers stopped him but, he began fighting with them attracting a lot of attention. Pallavi who was a little inside heard the commotion but, did not bother leaving her work. In a matter of few minutes, Raghav had created a ruckus due to which Akhil had to intervene.

"Hello, Mister. May I know what is wrong here? Why are you creating a ruckus here? There are already a lot of problems in conducting the shoot and you are adding on to that." Akhil said calmly.

"I am here to solve the same problem."

"Are you the carpenter? Go and repair that sofa set. What work do you people do? The model was about to fall due to your negligence. I had not paid you for this. If this time it's not done properly I'm going to complain to Nayar." Akhil warned.

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