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The next morning Raghav woke up with a throbbing headache. He looked for his phone and saw the time, it was just 5.30. He knew that when Pallavi wakes up, she will give an earful to him and he won't understand anything because, he doesn't remember anything under the influence of alcohol. So just to understand the context, he went to Vijay's room and woke Vijay up.

"What are you doing here? Let me sleep." Vijay said in a sleepy tone.

"Just tell me what happened yesterday. How did I get into my room. I am getting flashes of us dancing and Pallavi pushing us under the shower but, I don't remember anything apart from that." Raghav said.

"We were too drunk. Even I don't remember anything." Vijay said sitting up straight on the bed.

"I am sure she'll kill me when she wakes up. I need to do something to pacify her now."

"Extend your stay here." Vijay suggested.

"What? Why?"

"Tell her that you feel very sorry that you wasted your time in getting drunk and couldn't spend time with her and you want to make up to her for it."

"Firstly, she won't agree and even if she does that Sanki Buddha will eat me alive."

"Who is this Sanki Buddha?"

"Her father."

"With the nicknames you are giving to her and her family, I can visualize your breakup."

"Norumuyyi!! Stop giving me more stress. All of this is happening because of you." Raghav declared and hit Vijay on his head.

"How am I related? You came here willingly. I did not force you so, stop blaming me. If anyone is to be blamed then it is you." Vijay countered.

"If you wouldn't have lured me then, I wouldn't have come."

"Instead of blaming me, think of a solution."

"If I had a solution, why would I come to you."

"I am telling you, extend your stay and spend time with her."

"What about her Baba? That man will find one more reason to taunt me."

"Chill man!! Don't tell him the truth. Tell him that you guys have left but, your car's tire is punctured and there's no one on the road who can help you so, you'll have to wait till you find the mechanic."

"How realistic!!" Raghav said sarcastically. "We are leaving in the evening and mechanics are available in the evening. Think of something else."

"Tell them that you have injured your leg and cannot walk properly so, you'll come when your leg is fine. Simple."

"Haan, that's a great idea. Thanks Bro." Raghav chirped happily.

"And whom are you going to tell this to?" Pallavi asked entering the room.

"Sanki Baba, I meant we'll tell this to Baba."

"And why would you tell him this?"

"I'll explain this to you in our room. Come, Let's go." Raghav said and took Pallavi to their room while Vijay winked at him.

They reached their room and Pallavi was angry as hell.

"What was going on there? What are you planning behind my back?" Pallavi asked angrily.

"Nothing baba. I was thinking that what if we extend our stay here"

"So that you can go and drink with your friend?"

"No baby. I was thinking of extending our stay here so that we could spend more time together. What say?"


"Baby, please. See, we wanted to go to the swimming pool, spa and club house, right? If we leave today, then we won't be able to go there."

"We'll go to Hyderabad and do all of that. There are spas in Hyderabad go and take a spa appointment and you have a swimming pool at home so, no worries. Also, we went to the club house yesterday and if you want we can go today before we leave."

"But, babe we cannot go there together. Now that we are here, we can go to the spa and swimming pool together, right?" Raghav suggested.

"No need. I need to pack my bags as we'll be leaving today evening."

"Pallavi, please listen to me. Let me make up to you for leaving you alone, please baby." He said with a cute puppy face.

"Aww.. You look so cute with that cute face." She said making Raghav smile. "But still we are leaving today. Your puppy eyes have stopped having any effect on me."

"Baby, just one more day. I won't extend it more than one day. I promise."


"You are such a pain in my ass. You have to challenge me in every thing. Always have to say opposite of what I am saying." Raghav spoke angrily as she wasn't listening to anything that he said.

"I am pain in your ass? Seriously? What about you then? Always troubling me by doing something that makes me worried about you. I thought that you would have learnt your lesson after what happened that day but, today you have achieved new heights of being careless. Yesterday when I came, you were unable to even stand and were dancing like a literal 'bewada' and after that when I wanted to take you to the room that idiot friend of yours had to stop you and you being the stupid person you are, chose to wait. Thank God that your drinks finished and you couldn't drink any further otherwise, there was no way that I could stop the both of you. Do you know hard I had to try to take you and your friend to the bathroom to make you a little sober." Pallavi spat.

"Did you just call me a bewada?"

"Out of all the things I said, you just heard the word bewada? And just to answer your question Yes, I did call you a bewada because, you were behaving like one yesterday. Forget about the time you were dancing, even when I was taking you to our room, you were a little sober but still were walking like that. If you don't believe me check the CCTV footage of that area."

"Pallavi, I was drunk. I won't do anything that will make you worried. Promise. Now can we please extend our stay here?" He said with a puppy face.

"You promised me yesterday that you won't drink but still did so, I won't listen to anything you say. Also, I had told you that these puppy eyes won't work on me."

"Sorry." He said holding his ears.

"This won't work either."

"You tell what will work." Raghav said and Pallavi came closer to him.

"You really want to hear that." She said seductively bringing her face closer to his.


"She bit his earlobe and shouted in his ears, "NOTHING!!" 

"Oh God!! I shouldn't have asked you this." He said rubbing his ear with his fingertip while Pallavi laughed her heart out.

Author's Note - As for now, Raghav has not succeeded in convincing Pallavi to extend their stay but, you never know what happens next. Given that Pallavi is a tough nut to crack, Raghav may or may not succeed.
Hope you like this chapter. Do give me your honest feedbacks in the comments, will be waiting for them.  

Date - 04th August 2022.

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