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"Raghav." Pallavi had been calling him from the outside of the room since the past half an hour and he still wasn't responding.

"Kya hua? Abhi tak darwaja nahi khola?" Dada asked coming there.

"Nahi, Dada. Roj toh 6-6.15 ko uth jaata hai. Pata nahi aaj kya ho gaya."

"Thak gaya hoga. Sone do usse." Vahini said and asked them to continue their own work.

It was around 9.30 that Raghav woke up and ran outside to see Pallavi and Dada giving him weird looks.

"Why are you staring at me?" Raghav asked looking here and there.

"Nothing. Just wanted to ask, if you were comfortable last night?" Dada asked.

"Yes." Raghav said and got back to his room to get ready for the day. Today him and Pallavi were going to all of Pallavi's favorite places.

"Shinde resigned?" Pallavi asked coming from the kitchen as she heard only the last line of the news that Dada was listening to.

"Yes. How did he take such a big decision without letting anyone know? All his party members are saying that he did not inform anyone about this and dropped this bomb just today. He even refused to serve the notice period." Dada told her what the reporter reported before she came.

"How is it even possible? How come the members of his party don't know anything? I am sure it's his new game. Never trust these politicians. There's some kind of agenda behind this." Pallavi said shocked.

"Stop with these political discussions and come to have breakfast." Vahini said and all of them settled to have breakfast.

"Where are you taking Raghav today?" Dada asked Pallavi.

"I haven't planned anything as such but, will show him all our spots." Pallavi told.

"Don't go by the rickshaw. Take my scooter with you because, there would be a lot of traffic today. All the blind Shinde supporters are conducting a rally to stop his resignation." Dada said the last line with disappointment.

"Who is Shinde?" Raghav asked innocently while taking a bite of the thaalipeeth.

"He's a corrupt politician and also the mayor of the city. Sorry,now the ex-mayor." Dada said ex-mayor with a proud smile on his face and Raghav hmmed in response.


"What did you do to Shinde?" Pallavi asked entering Raghav's room when he was buttoning his shirt.

"Who Shinde?" Raghav asked still busy in buttoning his shirt.

"You very well know which Shinde I am talking about." Pallavi said firmly.

"Pallavi, I am not understanding a word of what you are speaking." Raghav said not maintaining eye contact with her.

"Look at me and speak. What did you do? Why is he resigning?"

"I don't even know that he is resigning. Why are you asking me so many questions?" Raghav said still looking here and there.

"I am asking you this because, I know you've done something and I know this because I know you very well." Pallavi said and sat on the sofa and sighed. "Raghav, I had told you earlier that I don't want to do anything to anyone because, for me, it's a closed chapter."

"You don't have an idea about even 1% of his crimes. He is just so inhumane. I can't even imagine how many lives has he destroyed. When I told him your name, he was unable to recall anything because, of the number of times he has done that to others. A person like him needs to be punished. It's his good luck that I did not kill him." Raghav said in a fit of anger.

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