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Raghav reached home and was hell annoyed. The first reason being, Advay looking at him like he was some molester and the second was obviously, his Sanki Buddha. Both the men had managed to piss him off and now he needed something to calm down his mind. He took out his personal diary where he writes whatever he feels. He began writing how his day went and what all happened but instead of calming down, he got angrier as the incidents replayed in his mind. He then called Pallavi to calm down his mind but surprisingly, she did not answer his call. Not to ruin his mood further, he slept.

Here, Pallavi was busy explaining Baba that Raghav wasn't responsible for her accident and even today, he was just hugging her and there was nothing more to it. Baba was kind of convinced with her explanation but did not fully agree with whatever she spoke. Giving up on explaining him, she went to her room to get sleep and saw Raghav's missed calls. She immediately called him but now he did not answer her calls. Disappointed, she went to sleep. 


The next morning she freshened up and left to their regular spot to meet him. As expected, he was already waiting there for her. 

"Are you okay?" Pallavi asked him as she saw his tensed expressions.


"Raghav, I know meeting Advay then Baba's taunts have spoiled your mood but please open up to me about your feelings."

"How will I open up when you don't seem to answer my calls!!" Raghav chided.

"Raghav, I was speaking to Baba when you called. I saw your missed calls later."

"That man has some problem with me."

"He is just over protective about me." Pallavi reasoned.

"But that doesn't mean he'll say things to me."

"I know. I am sorry for his behavior." Pallavi spoke holding her ears.

"You don't need to be sorry. It's okay." He said and removed her hands from her ears.

"Btw, where are you heading now, DSE or Akhil's office?" He asked changing the topic.

"I will be going to Akhil's office after lunch but, for now I'll be at DSE" She replied.

"I'll be coming to pick you up." She nodded and both of them left for their respective works.


Pallavi had finished her lunch and went to Akhil's office. As soon as she entered, the receptionist told her to meet Akhil as he had some work with her. 

"Sir, you called me?" She asked entering his cabin.

"Yes. We have a meeting with the models today as we have to discuss everything about the photoshoot."

"Okay Sir."

"They'll be here till 6."

"Fine. I'll get back to work then." Pallavi said and left to complete the designs.

She was working on the designs when Advay came and sat besides her.

"Do you need any help?" Advay asked.

"No, Thank you."

"Waise, Thank you for the dinner last night."

"You should thank Raghav for that amazing dinner. It was his plan. He selected the place and made all the arrangements."

"Ohh... If you don't mind, Can I ask you a personal question?"


"Is that Raghav trying to harass you under the name of friendship? I mean, I noticed that you looked quite uncomfortable with him. Even when I asked you, you brushed it off. Please tell me if something's wrong. Maybe I can be of some help."

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