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Pallavi was eagerly waiting for Advay's information. She wanted her answers from him but, he ran away. And now if Raghav confirmed that he was the same Advay, she would finally get all her answers.
Raghav entered the room and saw her lost in her own thoughts.
"Are you okay?" Raghav asked tapping her shoulder.
"Did you get any information about Advay?" She asked.
"Farhad is still working." He told her.
"Okay. When will I get to go home?" She asked.
"Tomorrow afternoon."
"Till then, finish this soup." He fed her the soup and she made a yuck face. He chuckled seeing her antiques.
Once he finished feeding her the soup, he wiped her face and sat besides her.
"Pallavi, can I ask you something?"
"If you are going to ask me about Advay then, please don't. I don't want to talk about him. Once I get my answers, I'll myself come and tell you about him."
"Okay." He said.


Pallavi was now discharged and was at her home. She was still not fully recovered but, wanted to go to work. After convincing Baba for an hour or two, he finally agreed with her and told her to work half day only. Pallavi was happy that she could finally go to work. 

Pallavi was sitting in the shop writing down the details of the next order when one of Raghav's men entered with a file.

"Ma'am, Sir asked me to give this file to you." The man said handing over the file to Pallavi.
"Thank you so much but, which is this file?" She asked confused as she totally forgot about Advay.
"Ma'am, he said that give the file to her and she will know about it."
"Okay. Thank you, once again."

The man left and Pallavi opened the file to read what was there in the file. As soon as she opened the file, she read the name and was not much surprised. The name that had made her loose trust on 'trust' and 'friendship'. 'Advay Kulkarni' was the name written on it followed by his details. Farhad had found as much information as he could about this guy's present but, there was no information about him from the year 2016 to 2018. She read through the file and knew that he was the one she was looking for. He was currently working with Akhil Akula, the person with whom she had a meeting with before her accident. She knew everything about Advay's school, college and his life immediately after that but, did not know about what happened to him in between 2016 to 2018. She wanted to know more about him as that would lead her to the answers that she was seeking and that was only possible if she contacted Akhil. She knew that Akhil was very well aware of the people around him and would be of great help.  She decided that she would first complete her work and then would talk to Akhil when she got home. 


On the other hand Advay was sitting in his room full of darkness with his only bestfriend, Mahesh.
"I am telling you Mahesh, she was the same Pallavi." Advay told Mahesh for the 'n' th time.
"The photo which you showed me does not resemble much with her then how would you know that it is the same Pallavi?"
"I can recognize her voice  and eyes very well. She is the same Pallavi whom I know." Advay spoke.
"If you were so sure, then why did you not speak to her when we went to met her?"
"She hates me. I have wronged her in the most disgusting way. If I told her my identity in the hospital then, she would demand answers from me. It's better that I stay away from her because, I don't want to do more wrong to her. Plus, she seems happy with her husband and in-laws who treat her as their own child. I don't want to interfere in her life anymore. I just hope she does not recognize me for her own good." He spoke with sadness.
"He is not her husband. He clearly said that he was her friend."
"What about her husband then? Why didn't he come to meet her? All the while her in-laws and friends were there. Is she divorced?"
"You just said that you don't want to interfere in her life and now, you are doing the exact same thing. Let it go. It's her life."
"Shut up!!" Advay yelled. "I need to know what's happening in her life." Advay said hitting the table.
"Chill man!! I just reminded you of what you said a while ago." Mahesh calmed him down and Advay muttered a quick sorry.
"If you are so desperate, check her social media accounts." Mahesh suggested.
"She does not have an account on social media." 
"Oh. We can do one more thing if you are okay with it."
"What is it?"
"We can ask that friend of hers. What was his name... ha, Raghav. We can ask him about her husband."
"Are you mad? He is so protective of her. He would ask us thousand questions before telling us anything about her. Don't you remember how much anger did he show on the doctor? He will never tell us anything. He would think of us as some cheap stalkers and would hit us black and blue." Advay rejected the idea.
"What do we do then?" 
"Will think of something."


Pallavi had reached home and called Raghav first.

"Hello, baby." She said.
"Don't pull off the horny prank on me again." He warned.
"No, baba. Tell me how was your day?"
"It was good. What did you do in the shop? Considering that Krishna and Baba won't let you work, I am sure you must have gotten bored there."
"You have known the both of them too well by now."
"Of course, I am Raghav Rao. I know everyone's mindset."
"Here we go again with the 'I am Raghav Rao' drama of yours."
"That's the reality that I know everything." He said and she thought that he was talking about why she asked him to find about Advay.
"How do you know?"
"My sixth sense is very strong, Pals baby."
"I am not joking. I am serious. I had told you that don't interfere in this matter. I'll tell you about Advay whenever I feel the need to."
"I gave a general statement. I did not interfere in your matter even if it took every ounce of my control to not find out about it." He spoke angrily.
"Don't be angry. I am sorry. Maybe, I overreacted." She spoke sweetly.
"It's okay. Tell me whenever you want to, I'll wait."
"Thank you for understanding and giving me my space."
They spoke for a while until Pallavi hanged up because she wanted to speak to Akhil.


Pallavi called Akhil under the pretext of work. She asked him a few questions about their deal and then asked him about Advay.
"Is Advay Kulkarni on this project?"
"Yes. But, how do you know him?" Akhil asked suspiciously.
"I just had an accident and he saved me. That's the reason I know him. While we were talking, he told me that he works with you."
"He is a very helpful guy. I knew that he helps everyone in the office but, I did not know that he helps strangers also." Akhil said.
"That's really sweet of him to do. Sir, would you mind if I ask for his contact number." She placed her card.
"Do you want to thank him or for the project?"
"Of course for the project, sir. I mean if you aren't available any day then, I may contact him." Pallavi reasoned.
"Okay, I'll share his number with you."
"How long has he been working here?"
"3 years."
"Okay. Is he a trusted person? I mean if I have to send something to you and I am unable to contact you, is he trustworthy enough to pass on the information?" Pallavi asked.
"He is absolutely trustworthy. He has never disappointed me with anything. If you are asking that is he trustworthy enough to share your number with or meet him, don't worry he is an absolute gentleman. I understand your concern as a girl that some guy helped you and coincidentally, you are working together on a project, you must be a bit concerned about your own safety thinking that he is some cheap stalker but, he isn't like that." Akhil assured.
"Thank you so much for your assurance, sir. I'd like to believe it, if you say so." Pallavi said sweetly.
"You're most welcome. If you ever feel anything is wrong, you can come and inform me about the same."
"Sure, sir." Pallavi said and hanged up.

Author's Note - Pallavi's past is finally here. This track will probably go a little longer than the earlier tracks because, I have a lot of things on my mind. Don't worry, Advay is not Pallavi's ex-boyfriend and won't come in between Raghvi.

Date - 08th July 2022.

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