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"If not this, then why are you ignoring me?" Pallavi asked breaking the hug.
"I was not ignoring you." He said not meeting her gaze. He felt bad that his ignorance is affecting her so much.
"Yes, you were ignoring me. I called you and you didn't pick up my calls and then when Keerti called, you picked up her call in seconds."
"Are you jealous?" He asked smiling to distract her.
"No, I know she is your sister. Why would I be jealous. Also, don't try to distract me." Pallavi said clearly understanding his intention.
"I am not distracting you." He said as a fight would surely distract her.
"Now, again you are arguing to distract me." She said knowing him well.
"Now, tell me why were you ignoring me? Did I do something?" Pallavi asked.
"Pallavi, I was angry because I had told you 'n' number of times that Bada Bindi would plan something against you and would try to trap you. But, you ignored me and argued with me instead. I had told you keep a watch on her but you trusted her blindly. Plus, when all of this happened you didn't care to call me once. I called you but you did not even pick that. I had to call Krishna and that's when she told me there's a problem at home. If not for Krishna, I would have never known this or I would have known it at a stage where I couldn't even help you." Raghav said all frustrated.
"Raghav, all of this happened in a rush. I was unable to understand what was going around. Forget picking up the call, I was not even in a state to talk or think straight. I didn't even tell Krishna." Pallavi said.
"Promise me, that anything happens or whatever the situation is, you won't face it alone. You will tell me and we will find out a solution for it."
"Okay baba, Promise." She said shaking his hand.
"That's like my girl." He said pulling her into a hug and kissed her head.
"I need to go now. Nikhil must be waiting for me outside." She told him and got up.
"You came with Nikhil?" He asked in disbelief.
"Yes. Aai Baba were worried for me so, I told them that I will take Nikhil with me." She told him.
"Your Aai Baba know that you are here?" He asked shocked.
"I told them that you are not picking up my calls and I need to know what to do next. They agreed." Pallavi told him.
"That's a great lie!!!" He exclaimed.
"I really want to know what to do next." She countered.
"Don't do anything. Just ask them to ignore you and hype Bada Bindi for bringing out the so called 'reality.' She will believe you guys. I will manage the rest" He said air quoting the word reality.
"Okay." She said and left not before planting a small kiss on his cheek.


She went home and told Aai Baba about what Raghav asked her to do.
"How is he going to present proofs against Sulochana?" Aai asked her.
"I don't know, Aai. He told me that he will manage everything." Pallavi told her Aai.
"Should we trust him?" Aai asked.
"I think we should. He is not a bad person. He seems helpful. Otherwise, why would he help us when Aai was there or even now." Vijay spoke.
Pallavi was overjoyed to listen good things about Raghav from Baba.


The next day, Deshmukhs did as Raghav told them to do.
"Pallavi, where are you going?" Baba asked her rudely.
"I am going to the shop as everyday. Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?" Pallavi asked.
"Whatever you have done has come out and now I don't trust you even one bit. You broke my trust."
"Baba, trust me that doctor is lying." Pallavi pleaded.
"Trusting you is the biggest mistake of my life. Had I listened to Sulochana, we wouldn't have been in this condition ever."
"Baba, don't say this."
"What should I say then? Have you left anything to say?"
Pallavi started crying and left home.
After Pallavi went, Vijay went to Sulochana.
"Sulochana I know we have wronged you by not trusting your instincts back then, will you please forgive us?" Vijay asked in an extra sweet tone.
"Yes, Dada. You all have forgiven me so many times. I can surely forgive you for this." Sulochana said showing her greatness.
"Thank you so much."
After some time, Vijay again came where Sulochana was sitting and pretended to call Pallavi.
"Have you reached the shop or you are out somewhere having fun?"
"I want the accounts of the shop today itself. Don't forget to bring that."
Sulochana heard this and smirked that finally she would be able to make Pallavi's life hell.

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